
It’s good to see so many of those in attendance smash-faced, out of respect for all the women Floyd kicked the shit out of.



You idiot. +1

The world is waiting for a thinker who can describe poverty through the lens of social psychology.




Out of respect for Tim Tebow, the Philadelphia Eagles ask that NFL journalists refrain from prematurely reporting picks.



This is tremendous, IMG.

I’ve tried to contact you all directly, indirectly, and intersectionally. At last my latest masquerade hasn’t broken through. I’ve tried to revive Foucault and we’re going to make Deadspin gay. Gay gay gay. Gay as goddamn gay. Gay.

The only appropriate reaction to being called out as a violent motherfucker is to react like a violent motherfucker.

Pat Lundvall: I disagree with your characterization completely. He assaulted the mother of his children in front of them and then continually deflected any questions about the event. In fact, if I had to characterize Floyd, I’d characterize him as an unrepentant, victim-blaming prick. HUGE difference.


I’m no medical expert, but it seems like the hand is the last place you’d want to search for Anthony’s finger in that situation.
