
The Goldberg’s has done a much better job of recreating homemade 80's pop culture costumes.

The title of that movie made me hate it before I knew anything else about it.

I started Mindhunter last night! I’m really enjoying it; it’s got a quirky tone I didn’t expect and I laughed out loud more than once. That’s quite a feat for a show that also includes photos of a child sodomized by a broomstick.

I worked for a short time as a veterinary assistant, and doing teeth cleanings was way more stressful for me than it was for the dogs. The dogs were usually older and I was sooo paranoid that one would just stop breathing while I was working on it. Luckily that never happened, and the dogs always came out of it just

That’s kinda the plot of the movie Always. (And the movie I can’t remember the name of that Always is a remake of.)

My mom was definitely neither hippy nor stoner, but she loved HR Pufnstuf probably more than my brother and I did back then. I think she now has at least part of the series on DVD, as well a VHS copy of The Paul Lynde Halloween Special. My mom is cool.

Ok, how about this for a topic that AVClub has completely ignored? Weird Al’s “unplugged” tour dates were announced this morning! The website is down either because of huge traffic or a bunch of mistakes on the venue list, from what I can tell by Facebook comments. This is the most AVClubby thing to

“We have eleventy nukes!”

This could legit be an episode of Black Mirror.

Well, considering that a large chunk of our population voted for a dude who was caught on tape admitting to assaulting women, and with a public history of generally treating women like shit, I don’t have much hope.

You must be in southeast Michigan! I was raised in SW Michigan, one of the main apple growing regions (my town still has an Apple Festival), but cider donuts were never a thing there. I wasn’t even aware of the “cider mills with donuts” thing until I started dating my now-husband, who is from the Detroit suburbs.

Yeah, that dig was out of the blue. I know it’s cool to be revisionist and all, but disparaging Jimmy Stewart will not be tolerated. 

Thanks for posting the video. I do love The Traveling Wilburys.

Fazoli’s took a big downturn in the recession, and closed nearly half their restaurants. It’s hard to find one in Michigan anymore, when it seems they used to be everywhere. Their food is ok, except for the breadsticks which are a spongy-yet-rubbery, grease-soaked abomination.

Wow, look at you with your fancy lunch ice packs! When I was a kid we let the Salmonella in our chicken salad sandwiches run rampant, and we liked it!

Thank you! I was going to write just that, but figured that another commenter would beat me to it. The librarian’s response was nuanced and thoughtful, but you’re right, not click-baity enough.

Ok, that’s actually kind of brilliant.

“Sawbones” is a funny and informative take on medical history. “You Must Remember This” for stories of Hollywood history. “Hello From the Magic Tavern” is a goofy, improvised serial set in “the magical world of Foon”. For a dose of throw-away pop culture, try “Who Weekly”.

Didn’t we have this exact same Showcase vs. Showdown discussion in the comments of the last Price is Right article (which I assume was written by Teti)?

Maybe you should be more suspicious. After seeing (and paying for) the bullshit instructor-authored books my daughter was required to buy at her university, let’s just say I have a mixed opinion of college professors!