
As Seth and Amy Poehler used to say, “Really?” I came up with this exact idea in the late 70's during 6th grade music class. I thought it was hilarious to sing all the songs with “opposite” words. Professional comedians didn’t make the premise any funnier 40 years later.

This site really knows me. Eating snow and Laura Ingalls Wilder are two of my favorite things! I probably eat much more snow than an adult really should, but I live way up north and there’s always plenty of clean snow in the winter. As for LIW, my book club friends joke about my obsession with her. There is a book

I’m only a little embarrassed to say that my most watched movie is Grease, without a doubt. It came out when I was ten, and due to my family getting cable shortly after, I watched it dozens of times on TV as a kid. As an adult I don’t do much rewatching, so I doubt I’ll ever surpass that record.

My first thought also.

I’d eat soy with this boy any time...

My husband and I travel the length of our state regularly to visit family, and we’ve had to eliminate a convenient McD’s location from our food options because they only have that stupid touch screen system. Neither of us is tech-averse, but it takes many times longer to use the screens because of the horrible

My mom, my maternal aunts, and I have all done Ancestry, and it’s been fun to look through the genetic matches and find people we didn’t know we were distantly related to. Our ancestral background was as boring as we expected, and seems fairly accurate based on our known family history. My aunt was recently contacted

Yeah, and what’s Randy up to these days, anyway? Wasn’t he living in Canada, hiding from the starfuckers, or the U.S. government, or god knows what?

The incredible level of cluelessness and stupidity that reveals is beyond my ability to comprehend.

I make it exactly the same way. I didn’t think anyone actually measured the milk and butter!

Aww. I’m old enough to remember how huge C &T were in the 70's. They even had a TV show! Their contrasting public personalities were almost Penn and Teller level; with Captain staying mostly quiet, being quietly teased but amused by Tenille. I heard “Love Will Keep Us Together” a few days ago on the radio and was

I had a “Welcome Back Kotter” t-shirt! I sure wish I wou’ld’ve saved that.

I’m sure the NFL would love to feature Childish Gambino doing “This is America”.

No other votes for Weird Al’s stripped down tour? I saw him twice and was blown away both times. 

I’m going to try to convince my book club to read Circe next. For some reason it’s hard to get them to read fiction, though.

I live in Michigan, and EXACTLY the same bullshit is going on at this moment! The GOP lost the executive branch here too, and we passed three referenda that are progressive-leaning, and the lame duck Republicans are doing everything they can to stymie the will of the voters. The only positive on Michigan’s side is

Blackpool rock is usually at least 2.5 cm (0.98 in) in diameter, and can be as thick as 17 cm (6.7 in) across and up to 2 m (6.6 ft) long when made for special retail displays.” -Wikipedia

That’s actually what I’m hearing it called more often this year. It makes a lot more sense!

Yeah, though I’m sorta in agreement with the “too many Star Wars” idea, I will miss heading to the theater in December with my family to see the new installment. Since TFA, I’ve reserved the fancy seats at the theater for the first screening after my daughter got home for college break, and the whole family would go