
Yeah, it's a race with Wisconsin to become the Mississippi of the Great Lakes states.

While I wholeheartedly endorse and appreciate Mars' contribution, as a Michigander I am embarrassed by my state's role in this mess.

Are we having fun yet?

Serious question; when is this being released?

Yes. My only complaint about this season was that there was't enough of it!

Holy crap that would be the greatest moment in awards show history.

I started listening to it recently, and it's usually really entertaining! Sometimes the guest comedians aren't great, but most are pretty good, and the banter between Robinson and Williams is usually the best part.

Aww. I'm actually going to miss these when the Kinja takeover happens.

Coincidentally, but totally unrelated to the topic, I accidentally walked to within 30 yards of a black bear while out on a walk in the woods today. He didn't seem to bothered by me, so I bushwhacked a bit to avoid him. Unfortunately, as I drove out of the area he had stationed himself in a tree in someone's front

I swear I heard about this at least a couple of months ago. Why is it suddenly big news today? It was even on the hourly NPR news break!

I think you had a stray parenthesis in the URL.

Uh-oh. "This page doesn't seem to exist." So says Disqus.

If I was a guy I would do the same. I have sort of a stubby, crooked chin and wouldn't mind some camouflage.

Up here in the North Country, a lot of guys grow a beard starting in the early fall "for deer season". I'm not sure if the idea is that it keeps your face warm or for camouflage; I think it's mostly an excuse to look extra manly for a few months.

You wanna go? I'm an old Journey fan from back in the day, so don't be questioning my credibility. I can knock off 15 Journey song title puns in my sleep.

My assumption on seeing the headline was that is was Schon who was pro-Trump. How the fuck does Pineda, a Filipino immigrant, end up hobnobbing with the Cheeto-in-Chief?

Turn out the lights on this band.

Huh. I may have t go down the Wikipedia wormhole and find out about the history of the parks!

Based on absolutely zero experience with any other Six Flags park, I will always stand up for Great America near Chicago. The American Eagle, an old wooden coaster, will always be my favorite, with the classic slow climb up the first big hill and a long ride overall. Do any of the other Six Flags parks have a "Looney

I had to use imdb to figure out how I knew him. Night and day compared to his Santa Clarita diet character!