
Not just in the 70's. In the early '80's our church had the "Renew" program, which I think was meant to make the church more accessible or hip or something. We had "guitar masses" well after the 70's ended.

I was thinking the same thing while working my way through Season 2 this week. McKean can play either lovable goofball or menacing villain with aplomb, and for me, at least, one character does not affect the believability of another.

There are few pop songs that set a scene like "Year of the Cat".

I associate that song with my pre-teen discovery of masturbation. I still have residual feelings of guilt every time I hear it.

My all-time favorite!

I was going to write that you must have had a very tolerant drama teacher, but then I realized that a drama teacher would probably be all for a bit of subversiveness in an audition.

Oh, God, I was given Tramadol for some pain thing many years ago and it gave me the worst nausea I've ever experienced. I've since found that I cannot tolerate opiodes, which is probably a good thing.

Joey explaining "a moo point" will never not make me laugh.

Yep. And when you get a few years experience, or an advanced degree, you can become a "registered sanitarian." Pretty glamorous, huh?

You should be keeping your 'fridge below 40 degrees. If you don't have a built-in thermometer, or you just want to double check, I'd stick my food thermometer in there for a few minutes to see what the temp actually is. I keep mine at 38.

I worked in a rural/small town area, so I wasn't seeing too many capers. And rats were quite uncommon that far north.

I am a former environmental sanitarian (the professional term for a health department inspector) (no, really). The comments about the meat temps make me wonder if those were measured inside a cooler or in meat in the kitchen about to be prepped (not that it's an excuse). If their coolers are actually not set correctly

I hope that the high school paper that investigated the background of their newly-hired superintendent and found out that she was was unqualified and had padded her resume, leading to her withdrawal, gets consideration for next year!

Yes, the table style Ms. Pac Man!

My daughter's love for reading nabbed us a lot of Pizza Hut in the 2000's. Even better, when I was pregnant, I won a free Hut pizza a month for a year in a radio contest. Luckily I tended to crave spicy food.

Do you have to have even a little awareness of these "celebrities" to appreciate this podcast? I have never watched a "Real Housewives" and have no idea who Matt McGorry is, but I am seeking out any entertainment that will distract me from the impending demise of Western civilization.

Damnit, @disqus_9eUU8Tq2Yj:disqus!!!

So… the Channel F controller was also a vibrator?

Apparently it was half of the actresses in Hollywood's tits.

It's poop!