
Who takes cat poo to the dumpster? Doesn't everybody flush it?

I would think that if her boyfriend came out as gay, then she actually has a pretty bad gay-dar.

Aren't marriage records public? I know when my mom got married a couple of years ago (to her same-sex partner), the application for the license was actually in the newspaper. How could this have been kept secret this long?

As someone who just recently read David F. Wallace's "Tense Present" that made me laugh.


That NYE one of only a couple in my life that was memorable at all, and it was actually really fun in a very family-friendly way. My husband worked for a large utility, so they had all hands on deck in case of disaster. My 3 year old and I went to a friend's, who had a wood stove and the basics covered in case the

"Unthawed" is also common here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It even shows up in newspaper articles from time to time.

I had never heard of the possible connection until I heard it discussed on the Judy Garland episode of the "You Must Remember This" podcast. Seems plausible, but it's not the kind of thing that can be proved.

I wasn't much older than that (maybe 12) when I started reading King, and I got all the books from my mom! I read a lot of sex and violence in my pre- and early teens, and I don't remember her ever suggesting that I not read something because of "adult" content. I'm not sure if that was neglectful or progressive

Holy Fuck, yes! The one about the subterranean rats that at the end form a "super rat" monster…

Jesus, the stories from Night Shift stick with me more than any of his novels.

Here's another: At least according to whatever encyclopedia I used when I wrote a report on South Dakota in 5th grade, when the statehood documents were signed for the two states, the President (?) did not reveal which one he signed first, so one Dakota could not claim to have achieved statehood before the other.

I live in rural Michigan and can get giardiniera at just about any full sized grocery store. Also, you can make a pretty decent Italian beef (you can also use pork) by throwing a roast in a crock pot and dumping a jar of giardiniera over it. It's amazingly good for almost no effort.

I watched a couple of episodes of that and it wasn't horrible. Not great, but not horrible.

When I was a kid we ate PB & butter sandwiches, no jelly. It was pretty much sugary fat topped with more fat, and so it was delicious.

Coming soon: Your National Parks; Now Sponsored by Exxon!

Why I love AVClub comments #38: An article on YouTube hate speech resulting in a comment ranking sodas that includes "water with alkaseltzer tabs".

This one should be in the RepostedAvengedSevenfoldFan Hall of Fame.

My friends who live near Helsinki will be surprised to hear this.
