
The perfect time of year for a camping trip? Isn't the AV Club in Chicago?

It made me genuinely sad to read that both Wong's and Scott's shows have been lost.

We used to sing "My Ding-a-ling" on the school bus when I was a kid. It was a few years later that I heard and could appreciate his earlier songs. Forever "strummin' with the rhythm…"

My husband is a good guy but extremely naive and easily swayed by his right wing coworkers and relatives, and has brought up the "Irish slavery" thing in the past, completely clueless to the argument being used by the alt rights to downplay black slavery. I'm sure he picked it up from these asshole's emails or

I got my taxes done in record time this year for just that reason. I realized that the chances of the IRS taking a second look was practically zero under this administration, and stopped being anal about every cent, as I usually am.

Petri's article exceeds O'Neal in its snark level. A true accomplishment.

I'm not entirely sure which article I'm commenting on.

In my pre-teens I got National Geographic World, which was an outdoor-themed magazine for kids. It was really well done, and included animal trading cards that I absolutely loved. Cheetahs were my favorite.

If it can help get 2BG off the air, I volunteer to watch at least one episode!

The stated goal was to get more "clicks". I think it's working, just maybe not in the way intended. Or was it?

Just a reminder, that if you don't already know about Lewy Body Dementia, don't Google it. It's just way too depressing.

That actually wasn't a bad show. Wasn't it on for 3 seasons?

When his "representatives" are, just for today's example, claiming that he was spied on by camera-enabled microwave ovens, they should be nothing less that openly and directly mocked.

I never realized how much I missed them…

..and mine! The only famous person I knew of who shares my birthday is Lawrence Welk, so thanks for expanding the list, even though I don't know who half of these people are.

Ooh, good question and potential comparison! I watched that one a while back and enjoyed it. I wouldn't have thought I'd like Raw, but maybe I should give it a shot!

Three tries here. I kept getting the Nazi radio station comments.

Oh my God, I have that Mail Order Mysteries book! I feel so pertinent!

On a non-mobile device, anyway, you can expand the comments to full screen, which is actually really nice. It blocks all the ads!

Maybe not having comments pop up automatically will keep down the trolls? I don't know. I don't like change either and was practically hyperventilating when I couldn't immediately see the Newswire comments.