
On a sort of related note, 2016 has claimed another - Arnold Palmer. Raise an iced tea and lemonade in his memory.

I totally forgot about the "sermonette"!

I just started using the ebook/audiobook downloads from our local library, and agree, it's awesome! The hint about turning off wifi to extend the loan time is one I hadn't thought of.
I also have to thank Katie for last week's staff pick of the Cafe Bustelo. I picked some up at the Family Dollar down the road (a half

Well, that sucks. Glad it's not John Cleese though; I just got tickets for a Q&A with him along with a screening of Holy Grail,

Don't knock it 'till you've tried it. I had a microbrew (not homemade) shiitake beer probably ten years ago at a wild fungi workshop, and it was pretty good, as I remember. The mushroom taste wasn't overwhelming, but it was noticeable and distinctive. Considering some of the weird ingredients included in modern

I agree. Can't hate on this!

I've lived in Michigan my whole life and have never heard of Dick. Not Climax? Or Felch, for God's sake?

It's "Manhattan style."

I sort of cycle through these: Beer (local brewery or Oberon, usually), cheap (but not sweet) wine, mid-shelf bourbon (often in an old-fashioned), mid-shelf gin (martinis and G & T).

Hey, I'm glad I read down far enough in the comments to find the Avett Bro's discussion, because I have tickets to see them in November, but I didn't much like their new album on the first listen, and I am having second thoughts about going (it's a pretty long drive). I bought the tix kind of on a whim, and later

I just heard about the St. Cloud attacks. Those of us in the flyover states have been mostly spared that shit until now. The randomness is scary (but not scary enough to make me lose my mind and become a Trump supporter).

How does the bacon cooker take work out of the process? By giving me another thing to wash, rather than just throwing away the paper towel?
That being said, the Carlin set seems like a good deal.

I got teary-eyed just reading your post.

Thanks; I haven't seen that one yet!

It sounds like your church has a liberal theology similar to a Christian-leaning Unitarian Universalist fellowship. Perhaps the UU's are drawing off some of your prospective congregants?

I've been working my way through some of Jim Jarmusch's films over the last few months, prompted by how much I enjoyed Only Lovers Left Alive. Watched Down by Law and Stranger Than Paradise this week. I'm still conflicted over how much I actually like his stuff, but it's certainly distinctive!

The Family Dollar store down the road carries it, but I assumed it was crap so have never tried it. I'll pick up a can for iced coffee and my "back up" can for when I occasionally run out of my regular beans!

I've been really looking forward to Mascots, so I'm disappointed to see a mediocre review. The trailer seemed promising.

I ate ketchup and butter sandwiches as a kid, and I've never known anyone else who has. Apparently it was something my mom grew up with, and she definitely doesn't have any Indian ancestry

Even worse, I read Ray Price but my brain immediately went to Ray Stevens, and I just thought, "Huh. I wouldn't have thought Willie would be a fan."