
I've never seen Stop Making Sense, and have had it on my Netflix DVD queue literally for years. Netflix just keeps saying it's "Not Currently Available". I may just have to break down and buy a copy.

Really. They're coming so fast I apparently just commented on a Newswire that hasn't been posted yet. It's through the looking glass, people!

God, please, no.

Confession: Though as I write this I am eating a quinoa cucumber tomato salad for dinner, in the pantry I have a 1lb. bag of cheddar cheese powder that I sometimes eat plain, out of a small bowl. That goddamned powder is like crack.

…and is currently banned in Oklahoma.

I just watched that episode!

My rational self thinks the same thing, but is having a hard time convincing my reactionary self that something "awful" won't happen. It doesn't help that the Poli Sci prof at my college, whose opinion I highly respect on such matters, thinks that the polls are way off and Trump has a very good chance because many

Wow, he really takes the term, "fly-over states" seriously.

Yeah, I'm in the U.P., and it's been hotter and more humid than I've ever experienced up here.

Wisconsin's new motto: "Alabama for people who don't like the heat!"

Our refrigerator was dark brown. My parents had that thing until the late '80's.

I didn't say I ate there often, just for a long time!

Time for a trip to the Soo!

With the exception of their fried chicken. It looks great, smells great, and is perfectly cooked, but just tastes weird. Everything else is great! I had a Concrete Mixer last night!

During a recent hot spell, my husband and I went to McD's for dinner because it is literally the only restaurant in town with decent air conditioning. He ordered a "Deluxe quarter pounder," which I'd never heard of, and which was quite good for one of their burgers.

One thousand uproots for that breakfast biscuit. Heartburn be damned!

Eh, everybody I know who's ever worked at McD's special orders just about everything when they go there to make sure it's fresh. If you're making burgers all day anyway, It's not that big a deal to not put pickles on one.

Chili and a Frosty is my go-to at Wendy's, and I've been eating it for over 30 years with no problems. I must have a great immune system!

Didn't you read that they got their palms greased with bacon industry cash? They're rolling in the dough fat!