
Chili and a Frosty is my go-to at Wendy's, and I've been eating it for over 30 years with no problems. I must have a great immune system!

Didn't you read that they got their palms greased with bacon industry cash? They're rolling in the dough fat!

Hey now, the brandy old fashioned is a time-honored tradition in Wisconsin. You need that extra sweetness to offset the saltiness of the brats and cheese curds.

So does he have cataracts? If so, why wouldn't he have had lens replacement surgery? Is he playing up his "milkiness" for sympathy?

I just texted my brother to let him know. As a teen in the 80's, his favorite bands were ZZ Top, Led Zeppelin, and Stevie Nicks. I always found that an interesting combination.

The titles and cover art of books by conservative blowhards are so over the top bad that they are parodies of themselves. Limbaugh inserting his own fat head into historical scenes for his books is another great example.

Has she done Dancing With the Stars yet? Serious question.

Exactly. I teach at a public community college, so I've been following the crack down on these for-profits for the last few years, and am thrilled at this development. The "education" provided is of limited value in the job market, and the credits are not transferrable to legit schools, so students are left with a

Believe it or not, there are a few women who frequent this site. We all look like Wallace Shawn with boobs.

Hey, I was born in South Bend and drink margaritas year-round!

The Putin government is actually going to let this happen?
I am waiting for the Russian Burger King VP for promotions to meet with an unfortunate… accident.

My daughter worked at Walmart this summer, and was telling me about a woman who was complaining to her that the store didn't have a particular size and brand of some item she wanted, and demanding she "check in the back" etc. "So, Parker Posey demanding a busy bee?" I asked, and she said yes, but instead of an upper

This question was definitively answered by Dave Barry and his readers quite a few years ago with "Macarthur Park".

Thanks for reminding me of that. shudder

They should go out together like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. This would be far, far in the future, of course.

On the first day of my fall biology class today, a student responded to the question, "When you think of science, what image pops into your mind?" with "Bill Nye!" along with Einstein, test tubes, and laboratories. There was a positive murmur throughout the class when his name came up, and these are mostly 18-20 year

But that is the foundation of the anti-science mindset. If there was any understanding there wouldn't be an issue.

Haven't any of you read "The Kite Runner"?

…and Halloween parties.

My sister-in-law lives a couple of miles from Paisley Park, so I may just have to do this tour next time I visit.