
Pence being example #1.

You don't spontaneously jump up and stomp around the room, clacking castanets?

That would take way too much effort. Like I said, I have pretty low standards for this particular part of my musical experience.

Pandora is my "teacher music". I play classical or a spa mix while grading papers and lyrics are too distracting, and an all-purpose 90's-2000's-today mix during labs when students are working on their own. My daughter keeps telling me I should switch to Spotify, but all I want is some music thrown at my ears that's

What about the fact that Univision just bought Gawker Media? That has got to be the biggest media news of the day.

My town has both a Kmart, AND a separate Little Caesar's. We are about 20 years behind the rest of the country.

Hot & Ready's are now $5.99. They're going to price themselves right out of the lucrative "wandering the neighborhood without a clue" market.

I'm surprised this headline didn't include mention of (or replacing Love Story with) Silver Streak. I'm sure it wasn't as big a hit, but I think it might be more familiar to the AVC crowd.

That cover is amazing. Bowie was a beautiful man.

Am I the only one who finds Push Me Pull You rather disturbing?

Surprised AVC hasn't reported on this yet.

I love their cinnamon raisin biscuits.

One of the prof's at my school has that one and the "May I be excused, my brain is full." cartoon on his door.

Have the Veggie Tales videos gotten more conservative or "Jesus-y" in recent years? My daughter enjoyed them back in the late 90's/early 2000's and I found them to be very mildly "Christian" at most. As an agnostic liberal I didn't find anything objectionable about them.

I rather like that convention. Saying "my partner/wife/husband" is so impersonal. I'd like to think we are all friends here.

In 2016, this is Walker's Wisconsin. He'll show those candy-ass liberal TV people what happens when they make his state look bad!

That last sentence of the fourth paragraph, especially, could not have been written by anyone else.

"Mexican-ish" is my go-to for last minute meals. I always have rice, beans, corn, cheese, tortillas, seasonings, salsa, etc. in the kitchen, and any combination of these makes a fast, pretty healthy meal. Just last night I whipped up burritos in about 15 minutes using leftover Thai skewered chicken and the above

I saw her and Giraldo a couple of years ago and was really impressed. She's still got the voice.

My daughter was born in 1996! The nineties are a pop culture black hole for me, as I was in grad school during the first half and occupied with a small child the second. I also lived in a rural area, so no concerts or decent radio stations, and the internet was not really a thing until the end of the decade.