
Hook is notable in my memory for being the last movie I saw in the ancient, single-screen movie theatre in my home town. I was in my early 20's and quite enjoyed it.

That's my go-to. Decent for the low price.

I could not have appreciated it back in the original Ghostbusters days, but now I think Ernie Hudson is one sexy dude. I'd love to see him in more romantic roles.

My problem with Steely Dan being lumped into Yacht Rock is that the lyrics and message of the majority of their songs are too quirky and subversive to fit into the pleasantly mindless vibe of this category.

Further reading and facts made you retract an internet rant? Hey, we've got some kind of goddamned elitist intellectual here!

Mine too, and I'm encouraged by this casting. It will be interesting to see how they handle having three protagonists in this story; I think the casting of Oprah is pretty brilliant and can see her doing something with the character similar to her role in The Color Purple. Deborah is a big personality and probably the

With the exception of a couple of the horror movies and Captain America, not a single one of these could be seen at a theater within 100 miles of where I live.

Agreed, but Jodie Fucking Foster gets the "not somebody I'd expect to do this sort of thing" prize.

Can someone explain to me what is meant by describing several of the films as "galas"? I understand the premier or other events surrounding the opening of a film being described as (a) gala (as in a fancy party), but it seems weird to describe the film itself this way. Or am I just being pedantic?

Michigander here. It says a lot that I recently saw a statewide news headline that stated, "Detroit celebrates the demolition of 1000th house". It's almost an Onion headline.

No Country… is the only movie I can think of that I stopped watching, not because it was lousy, but because within the first 15 minutes I could see that it would be so bleak and cruel that I just couldn't keep watching it. I don't know why that movie in particular; I have no problem with dark films (I got through Requi

I watched Down By Law a couple nights ago. Is that close enough?

I'm not a huge Who fan, and I've been hearing "Eminence Front" on the radio my entire adult life. Until I got satellite radio 7 or 8 years ago and could see the titles of songs while they played, I thought the song's title was "Living in Funk". I could not in a million years have guessed it's real name!

Ours was at the school playground and it was the most popular piece of equipment there, so you only could get a seat if you got out there right away.

Confirmed. My brother of about the same age had a phase of "shitting in inappropriate places" in the 70's.

Yeah, my elementary playground equipment was on either asphalt or hard-packed dirt. I only remember one instance of a kid getting hurt from a fall.

I absolutely guarantee that this piece of shit will be screening at my local theater soon.

Sunny and 73 with a light breeze here in the upper Great Lakes. No earthquakes, either.

Art or creative writing?

I'm picturing a large, prehistoric-looking fish in full C. Everett Koop regalia.