
I probably mention it here every time Vacation is mentioned, but the original, and less so Christmas, are cultural touchstones for my family. My mom is 72 and still says "Nothing but the best!" at any special occasion dinner. I refuse to acknowledge that Vegas and European even exist.

No, it includes shoes.

In my home town, the original Burger Chef became Rax, then Hardees. I think it was torn down after that.

We went to the BC in my home town regularly, and I don't remember ever going to McDonalds. Maybe we didn't have one locally in the 70's? Does anyone else remember the BC bird houses? I still have no idea why a bird house would be used to promote a burger chain.

I was going to post the same thing; thanks for doing the research so I didn't have to! There were a few Dog & Suds in southern MI when I was growing up; I haven't seen one in forever.

Listening to the directors of Swiss Army Man discuss the farting corpse as a metaphor for life on NPR made my day. They definitely set the record for the number of times an All Things Considered host has said the word "fart" in a three-minute segment.

Trump's cluelessness was vividly on display in his Brexit comments in Scotland.

This isn't the first time!

Ticketmaster is at least being honest in its user instructions for using the vouchers. Step one states, "…you may attempt to use the codes for redemption on this website" (emphasis mine).

Hey! I watched both of those through pretty much their entire runs.

Not so at rural community colleges.

A while back an instructor at my college got in trouble with HR for posting a comment in his online class referring to "selling goat testicles on Mexican radio." A student, as well as HR, thought he was being inappropriate, mainly because they had no idea what he was referring to. I work as an advocate for our

Yes. As a conformist pre-teen in the late 70's, I went along with my peers as anti-disco, but as an adult I have a whole new appreciation for the genre. One of the great things about the easy accessibility of music these days is getting to revisit and reassess the music of your youth.

Cheers and Hill Street Blues were both NBC Thursday shows with great opening credits sequences.

I was in high school when Cheers started, and it quickly became almost an obsession. For a lonely kid, hearing that theme with its message of welcome and belonging was really comforting. I even had a 45 of it!

I was assuming that's what they meant by the neighborhood "population".

I bought a white one with cupholders.

Don't people test drive cars anymore? Why would anyone knowingly buy a car with such horribly designed controls?

I read it after it was corrected, and still saw "excited".

White bread vs. flour tortillas? That's a tough call.