
Dammit, that's MY line!


I teach biology, and use an article from the Daily Mail as an example of horrible science reporting. The article's title is "Coffee Consumption by Pregnant Women May Cause Cancer in Babies", but upon reading the article it is revealed that no study had actually been done and that this was pure speculation by the

My all-time favorite commercial as a young kid! I have a great picture of myself next to the Hamm's bear statue in downtown St. Paul.

Yeah, I just read a reference to Shatner being 85 and couldn't believe it. This year, it seems that once you break through 72 or so you're good until at least 85.

Another report said it was a massive heart attack.

I almost spit out my ice cream. My cat noticed.

It's good to know that even Paul McCartney makes the same stupid face as everyone else when playing air guitar!

I loved his reaction when the pizza guy said he recognized Meechum. I hope they let this "investigation" play out, at least for a while!

While I didn't appreciate it back in the day, more recent listening to Purple Rain has led me to the conclusion the "The Beautiful Ones" may be the best song on the album. Discuss.

Ha! Two years after my family left our local Catholic parish and joined the Unitarians I got a call from a nice lady on the funeral committee at St. Anne's asking me to bring food to a funeral lunch. I had to explain that my family were no longer church members. Obviously we were not missed.

The saddest part of Remini's book (I read it over a weekend visiting my mom a while back) is her description of Cruise and Kidman's kids saying terrible things about their mom. They really were mentally poisoned.

Apparently no other AV Clubbers listen to the Public Radio show, "Weekend Radio", because recordings of Jenkins have been played on it for years. Having heard her and knowing her story makes me actually consider seeing this movie.


Let's here it for climate change!

Here we go.

For just a moment I thought that JJ Abrams was Johnny Galecki.

Yeah, I don't like this format.

She's a Gryffindor!

somebody remind me who stacey dash is