
I thought she said"straight" enough. Neither is funny.

There are endless variations. I live about 50 miles from the Wisconsin border in Michigan, so the brandy OF is most common here, but in addition to the variation in liquor, another is the "press" that includes half 7-Up/half soda water, different fruit garnishes, and whether or not fruit is muddled with the sugar.

My life is so pathetic, I just put "AV Club Commenting" into my calendar for 3:30 tomorrow to be sure I don't forget to check it out.

Believe it or not, I knew this without having to look it up. I actually have the 45 of this tune!


…and Larry Groce did "Junk Food Junkie". They need a fact checker.

I actually bought it a little bit because (long story alert) when I was in college, Al Gore visited campus as part of the second Bill Clinton campaign, and a small group from the local Catholic church was holding a, dare I say, respectful anti-abortion silent protest outside the venue. A bunch of students, including

That triggered the first of my litany of "What?", "That doesn't make any sense!", "Huh?", "Really?", etc.

Let me give it a try: I have fond memories of seeing this as a teenager with my friend who I secretly had a crush on. The combination of a truly scary movie, cute guy, and being 14 years old left an indelible impression 30+ years later.

I wonder if these guys know the Commodores?

I hope you're kidding.

So is this movie aimed at kids or adults? I'd actually like to see a version that accurately portrays the period.
The "Little House" books were my absolute favorite as a child, and I was the perfect demographic for the TV show. After watching about 3 episodes, I realized that the series did not follow the books (which

Most notably with the story of raising money to send Mary to a school for the blind, which in reality was paid for by the state.
(I'm a LIW nerd, I'm sure I'll be posting more below!)

Remember that amazing Saturday night lineup? Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart show, and Carol Burnett. And maybe not a classic, but my brother and I never missed Emergency! to start the evening.

I was literally cringing at several points at the stilted and unnatural dialogue. This episode just didn't work for me, despite a few high points.

I cried when the last show aired. I was ten.

I was going to update the avatar on my original AVC account quite a while back, but couldn't figure out how, and ended up making a new Disqus account. They use the same password, so once in a while I'll post under my original account for old times sake.

I heard the NPR report on Morning Edition before 8 am, and immediately came here to look for an announcement. I had a clever comment all ready to go, but it took them 4 hours to get anything posted, and I had other stuff to do.

A few years ago my boss walked off the lip of the stage in the auditorium after a presentation in front of the entire college staff. Basically shattered her ankle. That was much more hardcore than anything I ever expected in my job.

The Eagles get a lot of shit here, but they were the first contemporary band I liked as a pre-teen, so this hits me hard. So glad I finally got to see them last year and thoroughly enjoyed the nostalgia-fest that tour was.
BTW, Bruce, maybe check in with your doctor just in case?