
I really enjoyed the last season of TGBBB on our local PBS station, but for some reason they showed only the premier episode this fall and no more. Did any other stations do that? I can't figure out what happened with it.

I could have sworn I heard that they broke up a couple of years ago. Well, good for them!

I would agree, except for the fact that he's actually kept the completely batshit crazy right-wingers in the state legislature in check to some extent. I'm no fan, but he has vetoed some seriously bad bills that these asshats passed with glee.

And is anyone else not able to see poster's avatars?

My family has tickets for Sunday afternoon. We're driving an hour to the "good" theater and got VIP seats. Hopefully we won't get hit with a blizzard that day.

"At Seventeen" has to be one of the most depressing songs ever written. When I was a kid, my mom had that one on a home-recorded 8 track, so when I hear it I expect it to suddenly end at a certain point about 2/3 through.

I just watched the first 4 episodes of MoN last night, and though as a over-40, rural, white woman who's been married for more than 25 years I struggle a bit to connect with the characters, I'm enjoying it. As far as Dev only dating white women, couldn't that just be seen as his "type"? Do people generally date a wide

You mean the Republican presidential candidates?

That fucking guy at the "Religious Liberty" conference that some of the assholes running for the GOP appeared at over the weekend. The shit he was spewing about executing gays bothered me more than an ISIS beheading. Put me in a rotten mood for half a day.

Most of the time I'm pretty indifferent about Coke, but the one circumstance when I have to have it is after doing any kind of winter sport. When I cross-country ski, I always buy a bottle or can to have in the car right when I finish. I've been like that since I would go sledding as a kid.

And nothing by Dervla Murphy? The woman wrote about crossing Europe and the middle East on a bike, and trekking through the Andes with her 9 year old daughter and a mule. Not as well known as the others, but some amazing stuff!

Very sweet. But tear-inducing?

I was 10 when Magic came out, and there was a slightly younger kid in my neighborhood who was terrified of it, just from the tv ads. So of course my friends and I would chase the poor kid around, chanting the verse that was featured in the trailer and poster.

Believe it or not, I have actually removed the brains from a squirrel's skull before (not to eat, though). Talk about work!

Squirrel stew over rice. Tasty, but the damn things are too much work for the meat you get off of one.

So what's the consensus on this show, AV Clubbers, on a scale from "Awesome" to "raping my childhood"? I am somewhat surprised to find myself enjoying it.

Barsanti needs to check his style manual, though. Scientific names should always be italicized, with the Genus capitalized. Persoonia terminalis, as the Wiki article shows.

He's an inspiration for all of us who are pushing 50 but haven't made much of a mark on the world yet. There's still hope!

This week's CSI: Cyber also took on the story.

I've got it: The perfect "Hollywood" ending would have been to just use the final scene of "Amelia" from Trilogy of Terror!