
Well, it wouldn't be incest; more like slashfic!

Loving the Star Wars references today; my husband and I are going to a costume party tonight as A New Hope era Han and Luke!

You must be a heterosexual male.

My 10 year old self will never let me forget Shaun Cassidy!. I thought I'd read that he's maintained a pretty successful career in TV behind the scenes, apparently unlike his fellow 70's teen heartthrobs.

Are you seeing this, AVClub bean counters?

While I have little hope that it will be, this show could be done right, by taking the same approach as Parks and Recreation, and emphasizing the good-heartedness of the primary characters even in the face of awful circumstances. Pawnee was certainly a shit hole!

But at least some of them in the past at least had some quirky quality that made them interesting. The current WU pairing manages to be both awkward and boring.
BTW, is anyone else being driven nuts by the pop-up ads a the bottom of every page? They are actually making me less prone to clicking on a new story since

This is the second time in a recent memory there has been a discussion of Hapsburg inbreeding in an AVClub discussion. And further up the Newswire there is a long thread regarding the linguistic vs. political contributions of Noam Chomsky. This is why I love the AVClub!

I saw Crystal Skull in the theater with my family, and enjoyed it. Yeah, I was all WTF? about the ending (and the fridge thing, and I suppose some other stuff), but it was entertaining. And it was Indiana Jones!

Isn't that Pringles?

Afternoon Classics, Sundays on WGN in the late '70's.

Hello fellow Michigander-Minnesotan-Wisconsinite! (North/South Dakotan?)

I watched SNL from the beginning (I was 7!), and was in my impressionable early teen years during that period, so I have an unwarranted affection for the show during those years. Mary Gross, Brad Hall, Billy Crystal, Tim Kazurinsky… ah, the classics!

I'm old enough to have watched The MTM Show in its first run, and it's still one of my favorites. I wish MeTV would bring it back on in the evening.

Last night's show was great! At least half of the 13 contestants sliced open a hand or finger! (not kidding)

Thanks AV Club for the heads-up that The Great British Baking Show is back! This and a football game are the perfect pairing to flip the channels back and forth and drive my husband crazy.

While it wasn't quite "midstream", his replacement of David Caruso in NYPD Blue was an improvement.

Same with me. I had to read the first part of this story twice before the name of the movie even registered.

And considering that the resurrection mythology surrounding Jesus' death did not become widespread until well after, the setting should rightfully be in at least the second half of the first century.

Does anyone still drink Chivas? My most recent exposure to it includes Risky Business and the bottle my rarely-drinking dad kept in the back of a kitchen cabinet. And he died ten years ago.