
Because apparently that is the only thing which played well. 

I want my order fucked up by a human, not a robot. 

I know, but this does seem like an easy day one fix. Like three seconds to say turn it off. 

They are good for the Sylvester McCoy era...

I’m sure it was pure coincidence too that anti vaxxers overwhelming support Trump, that Trump started it. Why Biden let it continue is an open question though. 

I hate to say it, but this might be one of those shows where they actually do needs a cishetwhite man in the lead roll in order to succeed. They should try rolling everything back to Matt Smith’s regeneration in the next reboot and just hit the reset button from there. Abandon and decanonise everything from Capaldi

I’d play my violin, but I don’t have my magnifying glass to hand in order to find it.

They are trying to put off having the fans respond by saying it is a load of garbage that nobody except Kurtzman actually wants. Yeah, it exists, it is going to be garbage, we’ll probably not screen it in advance for critics, please god let us just get through it with our careers intact; I think is the message. 

My Volvo 340 is so old and beat to shit, that it doesn’t matter how badly I mess it up when I throw my fishing gear in the back or I scrape the side on hedges driving down country lanes. It is great. I can do whatever the hell I want in it. 

Now playing

Can’t think of a reason that Super Advanced Aircraft might be tooling around near Japan.

Why does he not just lower the price to the point they start selling? Surely making a small loss is better than having them sit there making a total loss? Is this a tax thing, one of those ways you can make a lot of money by going broke if you do it right? Or is it an ego thing, where he is certain they are WORTH a

Came from Tummel Bridge to Pitlochry on a dark night back in ‘98. I was very tired, and there is a bad 90 degree corner on that road and plunges straight down to the loch on the outside of it. Thank fuck I hit a tree when I failed to take the corner, because otherwise it would have been literally straight down the

Now playing

Now I guess Shinji is never getting home. They really have ran out of ink this time.

Yeah, it was as subtle as a brick to the face. And it needed to be, because the people it is talking to, the idiot anti-wokers, are thicker than shite in the neck of a bottle. 

British Leyland used the same sense of despair and hoplessness across all its late seventies and eighties models, and workforce. 

Fried chicken shop?

I always liked the Scammell Scarab. It was like a Reliant, but done right. It didn’t topple in the corners, and it actually could haul shit.

What you did there, I like it. 

A classic Bentley. That is what all the Lords used to go cottaging in back in the 50s and 60s when Homosexuality was illegal. A tool and symbol of imperialist patriarchy, but used as a means for social class mixing, defying the police, and sexual liberation. Sure the history is complicated, history always is, but you