
I disagree. Also, you should skip breakfast. It is better for your metabolism if you exercise a lot during the morning and don’t eat until the early afternoon. 

Okay, Elon. 

The Rover SD1 was fucking awesome. 

He knows what he did. 

Yeah. That was my reaction too.

It is nice, but is it Suzuki Katana nice?

I think you already covered this, the Suzuki GSX750S Katana:

The man made a damn Godzilla movie and forgot to put Godzilla in it. He made a Star Wars movie that had to be comprehensively reshot to put the Star Wars back into it. He has no idea how to do actual fun. He’s strictly for snobby nerds who hate joy. I don’t know why they keep falling for this schtick. 

From the man who made a monster movie without any monsters, a Godzilla movie without any Godzilla, and a Star Wars movie that had to have two thirds of it reshot to put the Star Wars into it, now comes a Jurassic movie without any dinosaurs. 

Jaguar XJ220. Only if we’re rebooting it, do it right. Give it the V12 and all wheel drive, and butterfly doors. It is still good as is, but it could’ve been great if Jaguar hadn’t been so penny pinching. 

, LBJ set about restoring the little Fiat to its original shape, but he eventually gave up when he couldn’t find the parts to fix it. We’ve all been there, right?

Russia is engaged in a military quagmire, the US economy is rewarding the rich and crushing the poor with a senile president in power and liable to remain so no matter who wins, here in the UK we’ve got a hard right government that is blaming immigrants for their own engineered economic catastrophe, and we’ve got a

Sure, but only if this is a lead in to a new Legends of Tomorrow Crossover. No Waverider, no sell. 

If I have to carry noise canceling headphones to deal with other people’s screaming kids, then nut allergists can carry an epi to deal with my lunch. 

Nah, it is pretty on-brand. Did you see some of the shit heaps that Trace created and drove? 

Yeah, yank his license and the guy next to him’s one too. Even if they weren’t actually dicking about, they are creating an atmosphere where it appears acceptable to dick about. There is no room for that kind of joking around in the air. No pilot should be creating even the appearance of acceptability of it, that is

Seriously! If they’d been around when I was a kid, they’d all have been destroyed just out of feral boredom antics. Thatcherism didn’t leave us kids with a lot of other ways to keep ourselves busy. 

Here in the UK, Vauxhall is still a brand. Just save the rebadging fee and call them Opels already. They are the same damn cars. 

Coastal Californians may find relief if they relocate to Wyoming, it is cheap housing and the start up culture is still young enough there to not have turned toxic. Get your blue asses to Caspar Wyoming, start doing that stuff in the small towns. 

Fair enough. Luton is its own kind of hell though.