The line between the cool auntie and evil sister is indeed a fine one.
The line between the cool auntie and evil sister is indeed a fine one.
I once hid a dead fish in the wheel well of my headmaster’s car when I was in high school, does that count? In my defence, he ought to have locked it. Or at least kept his keys somewhere other than the hook just inside his office door.
Aw, it kinda looks a little like the old style Pandas, or even the Gen One Mini from the 60s with those exposed hinges.
First year for the Rover 25, if you like that sort of torture. I’m sure at least one of you does.
Or a multistory fire. Can you imagine being on the top deck and being told that two or three below you are full of burning electric cars mixed in with gas cars, it is the perfect firestorm.
I predict there will be a tragically huge fire caused by electric cars, and that loss of life will be inevitable. I think we’re dangerously casual about the dangers of battery fires, and we’ve been ignoring firefighter warnings that they are a nightmare. We’ve seen them here and there, but we’re still not taking them…
Breaking AI news, Computers incapable of making moral judgements. Humans uneasy about this.
Cyclists do seem to get angry when it is suggested they make changes to be able to share the road, I dunno why.
Santa isn’t a douchebag, he takes proper cabs not the unionbusting antiworker service.
Was it a mini?
I never understood why people do that. Why is it so important to them, when they are happy going slow, that nobody actually pass them. It is fucking dangerous, and stupid. Stupidly dangerous, or dangerously stupid, but it ought to be illegal.
You are lucky to be alive, luckier than you deserve.
I had an old Ford Capri, UK Driver, in the early nineties. That was dumb enough, it was ten years old easily and mostly rust, but I liked to play a little game called how fast can I go around this corner. There was a sharp ninety degree bend in the road, it was the countryside, so nothing but hedges and ditches either…
Packard does sound cool.
You do not know how libel laws work, do you?
All of them.
The closer you get to the present, the more people who are still alive and can sue you if you misrepresent them there are. Twenty years is about as close as they could go. Even then we had to skip over a lot of juicy stuff, Burrell for example, to avoid the lawyers.
His lawyers aren’t comfortable with it, he means. Bringing it uptodate means potentially treading on the toes of people who are still alive and have their own lawyers. You couldn’t touch the whole Paul Burrell scandal, for a start. Which is a shame, because the guy is slimy as fuck and clearly had his own hand in…