
You should get paid in fair proportion to what the product of your labor makes the corporation. Doesn’t matter how easy it seems to us, what matters is how much The Mouse thinks it will make them. And they are going to get a lot of money out of DiMaggio’s acting, so he should get paid the mega money in response to

Dude needs to get a new agent, one that is willing to play hardball. Because they should have come back with a counter of they were willing to stand on the street and watch the (metaphorical) restaurant burn to the ground with everyone else inside. We all know that without DiMaggio there was no show. 

Reva has cleared indulged in Sith-Classic lifestyle, indulging your passions and impulses at the expense of common sense or long term plans. Part of the reason Palpatine got as far as he did was that he was very much the anomaly in terms of a Sith, being willing to suppress his passions in the name of a greater plan.

Not just sunscreen and smoking, but living through two world wars and the accompanying famine that was prevalent in both (at one point in WW2 the UK was less than a week away from exhausting it’s food supplies and having to choose which citizens to starve) wars, during and after the fighting, the great depression,

I’m just waiting for rabies to mutate to go airborne, then we’ll see fun and games. We’ve been so lucky with the genetic stability of the rabies virus, it could have gone bad real quick if was more mutatable.

Maul got cut in half, and he still came back. OG Obi Wan got disintegrated, and still showed up for both sequels. Death is cheap, only actors’ appearance fees cost money.

Yeah. That is the sort of thing that I’d rather find out as a surprise. A very brief surprise. 

Well that is because the guns are working as intended, this would be an incidental damage. Completely different legal thing. 

Maximum device volume. It overrides all other settings. 

If you haven’t blocked Amber Alerts on your devices, you should just go ahead and do it now:

Just let him walk away, none of the user base wants mad Lonnie as the owner of Twitter. Make him sign agreement to keep away from it until 2038 and call it quits. 

I have only one question? Why were we waiting for wildfires to torch the mansions of the superrich? We should have been on that shit already ourselves. 

His goal was always to destroy twitter as a centralized place that left wing and disenfranchised people could use to organize. Whether he achieves it by buying it out and destroying it that way, or whether he causes Twitter to go bust by undercutting it financially, he cares not. 

If you build a service that attracts low social skills nerds, and techbro incels, then what do you think is gonna happen?

When you have impoverished soil then the first few generations of plants you sow are not food for people or livestock, they get plowed back into the ground to become food for the next generation of plants. If a plant can grow, even a little, in lunar soil then it has the potential to be made fertile. It just takes a

But since Clifford is already predisposed to disbelieve Howard, based on what he went through with his son, he could just turn around and call that someone covering for him. After all, what is he going to believe, an addict and his friend or his own lying eyes? 

Crypto investors should just stop. Just in general, stop. Don’t. 

Yeah, but that is easy to dismiss if you’ve already decided that someone is a functional addict who is losing control, which is what Clifford has, he can rationalize it as “you got someone to cover for you” or “you lied in your diary”. Especially since the play seems to be just to trash Howard’s reputation in the

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Need to get Debris section out there and de-orbit some of these. Lucky we’ve been funding spaceflight and exploration at the same rate we’ve been funding the military. We have been funding spaceflight and exploration on that parity, right? Right?

I dread to think how Amazon will abuse this with their workforce. No need to pay to construct robots, now we can turn people into them. Chilling.