
Doesn’t Putin know that toppling unfriendly democracies to install client states on his doorstep is America’s side of the street? Just because we did it all through the cold war in South and Latin America doesn’t mean he gets to do it in Europe. We’re the good guys.

Oh good, we’re at the space war part of the cyberpunk dystopia we’ve blundered into. Great. Just fuckin’ great. 

Was Batman’s mom killed on the moon?

Interesting that it came to Pakistan where vaccination rates have fallen off a cliff lately, thanks to the CIA using a vaccine drive as a front to gather DNA samples in the search for Bin Laden. Never let anyone tell you that political expediency does not cause real world harm. Unlike our nutcase antivaxxers, theirs

The way I always like to put things like this in context is to tell people to, at low tide, go to their nearest beach, and stand at the high tide mark. That is now the low tide mark. Look down the beach to where the water is, and now turn around and mark the same distance back up the beach towards land. That is the

It wasn’t just a large Earthquake, it was one of the largest earthquakes ever to occur on the planet. Not only that, it was in an area where they did not believe that such a large ‘quake would strike. All the evidence has been that the “big one”, when it comes, would strike south of Tokyo. Plus the ‘quake wasn’t what

Has it had its first dandelion. It is the flower that grows on every continent except Antarctica. When Antarctica gets its first dandelion colony then it really is all over for the polar cap down there. 

The Tsunami had been even a meter lower, or the generators raised even a little higher, then this would never have happened. Unlike Chernobyl which was an unstable disaster waiting to happen, it took the literal shattering of the Earth to cause this. And even then, even after the wrath of a vengeful planet, it still

They wanted to get him cheap, he’s just proving why they can’t afford to do that. I hope he upped his initial offer to Hulu too. Disney needs him onboard, and they all know it now. 

Donald Dewer, the first minister of Scotland, slipped on a patch of ice. Stood up and shook it off, he was functionally brain dead by lunch time and formally died later the same day when his family took him off life support. Blows to the back of the head are terrifying, and I remember a bit of advice I was given as a

DiMaggio knows the industry, he’s probably just holding out for the better deal. He knows the fanbase will roast the show without him.

Looks more like the “Arrival to Earth” scene from Transformers. It is bad enough that we might all be living trapped inside Elon Musk’s hellish simulation, but does it have to be directed by Michael Bay too?

Just give us a Hondo Ohnaka Star Wars spinoff, Disney. Everyone loves Hondo. 

Capitalists sure do hate it when they find themselves on the other side of the supply/demand equation. Suddenly then govt. intervention is a good thing. Bunch of evil vultures. 

Over the next couple of years we’re going to see a lot of, often unprompted, denials it is a threat. Lots of ridiculing and explaining away unusual occurrences. There will be lots of use of the word unexpected, and then it’ll move from definitely not going to hit us, to almost certainly not going to hit us. There will

It is always a truism, no matter the industry, that management could never do your job; but you could never do management’s job either. Shop floor and management have unique skills and both require training to do properly.

I’ll say this for the old episodic tv model, they always had something to tell in an episode. Sure they were hit or miss, and sometimes it took too long for characterization changes to stick, but they always told a story. And if you didn’t enjoy one, they had a brand new one for you to try the next week. Maybe we

Boba Fett was more competent in the Droids cartoon than in any live action show. And even then he got foiled by R2 and 3PO, and some racers, and he had to settle for arresting his own employers for the bounty on them. 

Never accept stupidity as an answer until after you’ve ruled out malice. The malicious and mendacious are very good at faking stupidity, because they know that old saw too. And picking the dumbest, most slack jawed, rednecked good ol’ boys, to do the work is all part of stacking that deck in favor of collateral

Now playing

It is difficult to believe that in Creationist Country, this was entirely accidental. Even if nobody set out to deliberately wreck the site, I bet they stacked the deck in favor of it being trashed as a side effect.