
Every actor gets to choose the path of their own career, and she is in the very privileged position of being able to pick and choose roles. I’m sure the other actor who inevitably gets the job of Black Superman’s mother will do an excellent job in the role, and I hope it is a lesser known actor too, boosting them into

I don’t get how they messed it up. There are red apples with great flavor out there. Bloody Plowman [an old Scottish apple] and Sops in Wine [which has pink flesh too] both have a deep red skin, juicy flesh, and wonderful flavor profiles. Yet they still went with the one that was flavorless anyway. Capitalism, it

It should be easy enough to replace any defective modules. We just send the shuttle orbiter up with a replacement section and... oh. That was short sighted of us, wasn’t it. And this is why you own your own truck. 

It is pretty easy, we just send the shuttle up and... oh. That was short sighted of us, wasn’t it.

Now playing

Another graduate of Hollywood Upstairs Medical College. Actually, no, I take that back. Even Nick Riviera was more professional than this shyster. This is the guy from Pete’s Dragon.

So many pearls were dumped on alley cobblestones in his movie. 

Elon’s Army of Weird Nerds will be out in force on this one, but seriously, can we not just ban Tesla at this point?

Still better than Cats, though. 

So is more. 

I’d like a Deadpool cameo, since Spidey and Deadpool have a solid comics crossover history. It’d be a nice way to introduce Deadpool to the MCU, and exile him to a little corner of it. It doesn’t need to be major, just a quick meeting and maybe someone thinking he is an alternate Spider-man before being kicked out to

One where the hero doesn’t commit rape would be nice. 

Until theaters get their act together and start making going a pleasurable experience, then I’m staying home. Too many theaters let the audience run riot, noisy, bright (first time I went to see Thor Ragnarok, they didn’t even turn the house lights down until an hour into the movie), smelly; it is just plain gross,

If this movie also includes a jetpack/wingsuit stunt, then we’ll have cleared up the anonymous LA jetpack guy too. 

Howard worked with what L/M had shot and written, if she was gonna make it through their script, then she’d have made it through his as well. There would be excerpts of the pre-reshoot material floating around, and there isn’t. Plus there is no narrative space for her character in the story subsequent to that scene.

I thought it was so that Becket wouldn’t get very brutally murdered for failing to make some rich bastard all the richer, which is what would have happened if they failed? The gang was on Dryden Vos’ shitlist already, this heist was their last chance, and if they failed to bring home the goods, then they were going to

I refuse to care about the health of a batshit anti vaxxer, transphobe. 

Don’t forget her endorsing transphobia too. 

Deadpool cameo or GTFO!

Plan B is pick up another rock. Well, who woulda thunk it. If we’d sent people there instead of robots, they could have picked up enough rocks to build a house by now. 

Drop everything and run.