
And the complaining about Amber Heard being in Aquaman 2 has already started too. There are three petitions, which I shall not link to because they are from pieces of shit, calling for her to be not just removed from A2 but also digitally removed and recast from the first movie.

If they are gonna allow fans so close to the race, then they gotta accept that stuff like this will happen. People are excitable idiots, always have been, so if they have failed to plan for that, then that is on the Tour organizers. Either keep people back, or accept that occasionally stuff like this is gonna happen.

Barring bloody revolution? Never. The government has a vested interest in restricting mobility, they aren’t even happy about people being able to travel coast to coast as tourists, much less the moon. The government wants us to be able to travel no more than fifty miles from our homes to restrict labor mobility and

Man, the lengths bigots will go to deny representation. They just gotta pile in with their werl achuarlys. They can’t even wait a Disney week for the show to take it away, they gotta try and do it themselves.

Evidently Jango dyed his and was vain enough to have all the other clones colormatched like Shatner’s toupee.

But then how will we know what Anakin thinks of sand?

Which also means that either Omega is a transgirl or Jango and Boba are transmen. Normally I’d just put that little discrepancy down to Disney not understanding the science, but with it being Pride Month and them edging towards acknowledging LGBTQ themes in Loki and the MCU expanded universe, perhaps someone in the

Their folie à deux turned into a ménage à trois. 

Shock twist: There never was a Chloe, she was just a shared hallucination between Clark and Lex to help them deal with their massive sexual tension without admitting it to each other. 

NASA needs a truck more than they need a taxi, that is for sure. 

Stuff like this is why NASA needs a truck, not a taxi. Cancel the current taxicab spacecraft contracts and just authorize a replacement orbiter. Like they ought to have done in the first place. 

Fingers crossed, but wasn’t this how Night of the Comet began? 

Karen tries to storm cockpit to speak to the manager? Squawk 7500. 

When one of them gets up out their seats and starts tantruming, engage and enrage them, then slowly back up the aisle towards the cockpit. Not too quickly, because you want them to follow, but not so slowly that they escalate too early, and when you reach cockpit door, call the captain to come and deal. I guarantee

For a state which supposedly loves its freedoms, Texans sure do sign up to be tred on a lot. Dying of heatstroke to screw the libs, I guess. 

How come we haven’t taken over the galaxy if it is so damn easy? Is it we are too damn lazy, or too damn cheap?

Tyop in the meme image. 

Our entire world is broken, every system is broken, and trying to pretend it isn’t broken, is just making it worse. We need radical reform of just about everything. 

Because when Pixar first started, they were new and fresh to us. And they took a tack that was at odds with previous movie making trends. But nobody can stay new and fresh forever. What was new and fresh once, is now the mainstream. And that young audience who happened on them just as they hit their fresh young stride

99%. The other one percent is it is some self appointed dick who is all about being their bootlicker.