
Spare me from black hats who think they are white hats, the real white hats promoted file sharing and busting open media monopolies. Doing the corporate, and law enforcement’s, dirty work for them is despicable use of coding talent. 

I wish they would stop finding these things in China, they always end up giving them unpronounceable names.

Some people are just really overly sensitive about their need to always look badass over something or other. It speaks to a deep seated emotional insecurity, if you ask me.

Somehow, I don’t think a court will be convinced by the argument that their bestie, Trump, promised them the contract before the invites to submit even went out. Well, not unless they get one of his picked crooked judges, anyway. So they might. 

They are all out at the prawn barbie, on the razzle dazzle, tossing back tinnies. That is what it is, cobbers. 

Remember, rabies is just one chance mutation away from becoming airborne. Who has got airborne rabies on their 2021 bingo sheet?

Knowing Cruz, he probably ended up in Moscow, Scotland by mistake. [Yes, really, that is a place].

They have written about it, extensively, just this article is not about California. We can talk about more than one issue at a time.

Starkiller Base is charging up.

Someone tell whoever is driving the galaxy, they’ve left the blinker on. 

Well, I mean, dying tragically is pretty much what Star Wars is all about. 

For me the emotional heart of that episode, the bit that always catches me right in the gut, is not the big carnage fight. That is just par for the course these days. What got me was when Nolan, after beating MArk half senseless and murdering scores, screams “why did you make me do this”. That is a line spewed by so

Cross Hair was kinda a douche even before O66 kicked in though. 

That is awesome news. I really loved that old show, and for all its primitiveness in narrative trends and animation, its use of short, character focused, arcs was the template that got used for pretty much ever SW cartoon afterwards. Plus, that theme tune. 

Crewed spaceflight, or it doesn’t count! It is long past time we ought to be settling in space.

Now playing

I really like that they are not dragging things out. It is a good balance between serialization and episodic adventures. There is continuity, things do matter, there are ongoing story threads, but unlike some more “mature” dramas, they are not dragging story threads out with pointless bickering, filler, and staring at

Norovirus is one of the easiest ones to prevent too. Just. Wash. Your. Damn. Hands. Seriously, even a spritz of hand sanitizer would solve that problem.

So we’re saying that something that makes you feel better, can actually make you feel better?

Nasa has said that if Gohmert wants the Earth’s orbit changed, he should ask his momma to move to Australia. A shift in mass that big ought to do it.

It has taken so long because boomers didn’t care about it, not when it affected the pre-war, the greatest, or the silents. Now suddenly they are right in the condition’s sights and age group. They are panicking now.