I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.
I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.
This line right here
“We couldn’t give a shit less what sites you’re browsing as long as your shitty browsing habits aren’t causing us more work having to clean viruses and crap out of your PCs.”
It’s usually the other way around, where the men blow up at the women who do not reciprocate with their advances.
Right? I’ve been saying for years that Windows Phones are awesome. Would likely be the best on the market if it weren’t for the terrible app support.
You set them free
This. “Keeping it clean” in the security sense is job#1.
God, the shop floors i have been on are littered with cameras, even my first job that was at a company with about 300 employees. If your in the business of manufacturing defense industry parts, im pretty sure it may even be required.
And therein is hitting the nail on the head. It should go without saying, “Don’t look at porn at work,” but people do it anyway, and then they’re fired. Also, torrenting at work? Not something you should do. That’s just dumb - you pull a virus onto the network, you’re better off poking a wasp’s nest while wearing a…
Same here. Manufacturing plant IT with 600'ish employees. There is another higher level of Corporate IT above us that has more control than we do, but we’re *WAY* too busy with daily issues to normally monitor anybody unless there’s a specific request. Our only monitoring duty on a regular basis is to watch the…
Torrent. T’would be torrenting. : )
What they don’t know won’t hurt them. They shouldn’t worry their little corporate heads about all that nasty network stuff anyway. : )
Ah so you want an argument do you? Well. I think you *ought* to give a shit about what gets stowed by people. This is Kinja, for krissakes!!! Your employees may be withholding cat pictures, which is a kinja krime, and you are party to it by failing to come across with the goods!
: )
From my experience this probably goes for larger companies that can afford someone that is like half HR/half IT and will handle these monitoring duties. Worked IT for a 500ish employee company and we never did any monitoring like this, besides for viruses/malware. If you were in “trouble” with IT, you were likely…
Former IT guy here. Most of the time we didn’t have to do any monitoring, but we did some. It depends on the work environment and the type of work being done too :)
I’m not sure why IT people would be asked to keep an eye on employees’ non-tech weird behavior. This seems to cross the line into babysitting, something I’m sure IT wants no ****ing part of. I mean there are judgement calls to be made here, things that maybe a behavioral psychologist should be watching over. I think…
I was playing this shit before your 10 year old was alive, so frankly Pat, I don’t give a damn.
Why can’t people young or old enjoy a game?