
One of my co-workers summed it up more like this:

“I don’t think it was the smartest move, I’m not arguing that it wasn’t the right thing to do, just not the smartest. Pulling a 180 like was bound to create an even more toxic environment in my opinion because no one (whether true or not) wants to feel disenfranchised

“Tell women that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague”

Heres something that the article doesn’t even mention, but youll read about if you follow the link to Eanae’s post (seriously go read it, it’ll be a lot more informative than this article) about losing partner status. The r/ffxiv discord had a NSFW channel in place BEFORE being partnered yet Discord still gave them

Listen, nothing justifies murdering babies, not even doom music.

Its just like any other battle.. it generally gets harder the closer you get to the homeland of your enemy. 

This computer is due to be replaced. Maybe I’ll just toss it and take up more traditional hobbies like gardening, bonsai or serial killing.

the Doom Slayer was stabbed in the chest by a huge-ass energy sword wielded by Samuel Hayden, a cyborg with a boring name. Doom Eternal presumably takes place following that betrayal.

Honestly, kingwolf is just kind of an asshole. Read posts of his across the board, he’s one of those “these colors don’t run!” types.

Considering the best animated film of the year (A Silent Voice) wasn’t even nominated eh. Honestly it was weak year for western animation which sucks as the past few years have been great with a bunch of modern classics. I mean 2017 had both Moana and Zootopia and 2018 had... The Boss Baby...

Just pointing out that all of these arguments would be completely irrelevant if they had built out the network they were paid to build. They have gotten hundreds of billions in various forms to build a fiber network for the country for the last 2 decades and... well, our average speed is, what, 19Mbps? Compared to the

I don’t think ATT would *need* fast and slow lanes if they’d been properly investing in their infrastructure all along.

Wait, you can...die from that?

Light and sound act similar in the case you lay out. Light with a wavelength shorter than the dimensions of an object will pass right by said object without hitting it, just like your example with sound waves.

Just wanted to say, I think you’re asking an interesting question and I don’t get why all these people are misunderstanding what you’re asking.

Sometimes I emit photons when I get too excited too, but now I have a court order that prevents me from doing that in public.

How I feel watching Yuru Camp

Dark “Matter” is not matter. It is a name given to a particular gap in our current understandings and models. On a similar note, Dark “Energy” is not energy. It is also a gap in our current understandings and models. All we can do is note where these gaps are and why they can’t be explained with said understandings

Naw, finding anything and everything racist and getting offended by anything and everything is pretty moronic. All this is doing is giving conservatives ammo on why liberals can’t be trusted. I really cringe at the thought of another 4 years of Trump but unreasonable people like you are who are going to make it a

This entire topic is moronic.

This is ridiculous. The Milky Way doesn't have peanuts. Snickers does.