
Right, I’m aware of all that. We found it quite easy to tell when the shimmering blue was hit or missed though; there are both audio and visual cues which indicate whether you missed or hit, and telling them apart was not difficult. It just wasn’t returning the wings on every hit, even though they were giving points

during the stage-3 boss (and in previous bosses apparently) we noticed it quite a bit. about half the time, when hitting the shimmer spots, the wings would not return despite the game giving all the feedback showing that the spot was properly hit. there was a bit of discussion going on about what logic the game was

doesn’t really matter with the BFG. firing it pretty much guarantees that everything in the room which isn’t you is going to die. Even if you somehow manage to not turn one or two random enemies into pink goo, you still just wiped out almost an entire room full of baddies. Second target? just turn it his direction and

Also, I do enjoy drumming and industrial music; I just don’t think it was a great choice for this game. The music itself is very abstract and many of the patterns come across as feeling too random or unpredictable, forcing the player to rely more on visual cues than the music itself. This becomes more of a problem

That’s what i’m talking about, the shimmering spots do not appear to always return your wings. We noticed it during the stage-3 boss fight several times, and could find no explanation for why it was so inconsistent.

I watched someone stream several levels last night (up toward the end of the fourth level), and honestly I think I’ll wait for a big sale or something, if I get it at all. The music is abstract and can be hard to follow, when you can hear it at all over the cacophony of all the sound effects. The visuals are a glowy

I’m willing to give benefit of the doubt and assume she was referring to whether it has noise, not fan blades.

Well, I mean, sometimes a game just doesn’t jive with you like you might hope. But there’s a pretty major jump between that and just flat-out stating that a game (or games) ‘wasn’t very good’.

The game you’re describing sounds rather unlike the sonic games I grew up with in the early-mid 90s. Those were *momentum*-based, not speed-based — speed was merely a side-effect. The controls were incredibly tight, although you might find them troublesome if you’re used to games that let you do things like change

you might notice if you’ve seen my other posts that I explicitly mention influential people expressing thoughts knowing that those under their influence will act on them, which would potentially end up being considered conspiracy to commit murder. Outside of such cases, I don’t see it being relevant.

I’m not arguing that it’s a good thing to do, or that it’s socially acceptable, or even tolerable. I’m just saying that I cannot see it as a legitimate threat, and any characterization as such is flawed. Expressing a desire for something to happen is not the same as declaring intent to DO something. The only exception

Re: moderation, my point was just that in moderated environments moderators may apply their own rules outside of legal considerations. Not necessarily that they will.

The line between harmless expression and bullying is a rather fuzzy one. The line between either of the two and outright threats is very very clear, on the other hand.

Something like “I hope someone murders you brutally” is a pretty incorrigible thing to say, for sure, and perhaps some may see it as abuse or bullying,

I don’t see openly/publicly wishing for something to happen as equivalent to a threat. It’s just expressing one’s feelings, hostile as they may be. That’s basically thoughtcrime.
If someone is unhinged enough to take such an expression as active encouragement and then actually go through with it, they alone should be

I like unfiltered. Most filtering just ends up looking cheesy.

obviously we just need to build giant grilles for the wind turbines, and giant cages for the solar farms.

if the video is an example of the AI’s gameplay, then i’m pretty sure it would get rekt by competent human players. it looks like it has good aim, but poor tactics -- always standing still while attacking, and firing rockets too close to enemies, for example.

fuck yes. Ages and Seasons were always a couple of my favorite games.

I am aware of their weaknesses. I also fully understand how they work. We eventually opted to stop playing with EXes because we weren’t having fun WITH them. They just threw the balance off too much. The difficulty of building a decent defense against an opponent using EX is way higher than the difficulty of actually

They picked the worst possible way to ‘save’ it. They’re basically surviving financially entirely on people buying EX/Break/Legendary boxes and shit.