
I’m also including the current sets in that assessment. The overall balance is fucked so bad. I watched some tournament footage a few months back and literally everyone was using pretty much the same cards and strats, and basically nobody uses anything but EX cards. I’m generalizing, but it’s pretty much like that.

hm, dunno. I hadn’t heard about it, but I hadn’t followed it so closely either.

I also learned that the hard way. Tried playing against a friend, using gold/silver era cards, while he was using a brand new prebuilt deck... got absolutely wrecked.

Still pretty annoyed that all of my old cards are now basically useless.

That seems to be what this is. Since the old cards don’t stand a shadow of a chance against any of the newer shit thanks to extreme levels of power creep, they had to beef them up to keep them relevant.

This game was basically ruined by EX cards and other OP nonsense. This just looks like them finally acknowledging that.

But there are also marketplaces other than steam (e.g. indiegala, humble store, etc.) where you can buy games in the form of steam keys. I just bought Neptunia VII from indiegala yesterday, and this system ensures that any review I give will not count toward that game’s score, which is not an idea that makes me

it looks like it’s rotating to me. in the GIF above, the front of one of the outer sections starts well above the center, but ends below it. It’s just not rotating very quickly.

Even downsampled, games would technically be playable at 96x96. if we take early console games, which ran at a resolution of 320x240, and downsample to 96x72, you’re scaling down by 2/3, but that’s not enough to render a game unplayable. Character sprites typically use multiples of 8x8 grids in old games, typically at

The classic Apple-apologist “You don’t REALLY need that functionality, do you?” argument.
The answer is yes. Yes we do.

oh hey, they put Old Gregg in a new movie.

Won’t happen, because analog audio hardware will always be around, so we’ll always have a need for analog headphones. Sound waves are analog. Also, digital headphones will always be more expensive than analog ones, as digital headphones require a DAC and whatnot to convert the digital signal to analog. You call it the

How does she function in society at all?

I believe there was an episode of Stargate SG1 that dealt with this exact scenario, where they ended up on a world that was at war using nothing but drones, and the losing side was to be euthanized or something like that.

I’m done with him/her. Their type is too fucking headache-inducing to deal with. Not interested in having any kind of rational two-way discussion whatsoever; just hell-bent on twisting everything you say and characterizing you as the villain and oppressor, in as condescending and self-righteous a manner as possible.

Sigh. I guess I sort of knew it was going to be pointless. Oh well, here we go.

I have no stock in this discussion, just dropping in to note that SJW is explicitly intended as an insult. It’s a sarcastic term referring to people who have gone off the deep end when it comes to dealing with social justice issues.

It’s dongles all the way down, man.

With which you lose the Lightning port, taking away your ability to charge/transfer and use headphones at the same time, which many of us DO use. Literally the only way to regain the status quo is to buy the bulky-ass Lightning splitter that Belkin makes, so you have TWO dongles daisy-chained. This was the stupidest