
fuck yeah ladybaby! Never change, japan.

The guy is 82. I highly doubt he could tell any real difference past a certain point, well before he had the dumb idea to install his own dedicated power pole. Hell, at this point I’d be surprised if he could even tell a 128kbps MP3 from lossless.

What the.... wouldn’t a simple power conditioner and/or pure-sine UPS do the job just as well?

that’s why I’ve gotten used to just going ahead and getting the self-deprecation out of the way before the conversation even begins =p

While you’re definitely not *wrong* about that, it is kind of not seeing the whole picture — throwing ‘excellent’ every time is a bug, not a feature, and will change in time. The timing aspect of captures is a client-side feature, not a server-side one, and in the case of PoGo-UWP it’s simply one of the numerous

PoGo-UWP, can’t get it from the Store, only available via GitHub as source code that you have to compile. They do binary releases when there are stable builds but there haven’t been any since Niantic broke the API. There will be more soon, but yeah, you’ll still have to manually install it.

This can affect us Windows Phone users who have been playing using the PoGo third-party client, so it’s not just going to affect cheaters. Granted, there’s what, five of us? so, yeah... =/

a single click or keypress is all it takes...

Perhaps a big one for developers and IT guys: Windows Subsystem for Linux is now available built in, letting you install Ubuntu on a system and run native binaries and stuff. Mostly limited to the command-line of course, though it’s possible to access the desktop in a limited fashion via custom X servers. Also, if you

Ironically, the girl with the perfect manga face is cosplaying as one of the members of Babymetal.

I imagine it helps that 1080p is evenly divisible into 4K. And yeah, sometimes you do have to disable DPI scaling for some games, but it’s been pretty rare for me and is a minor inconvenience at most.

I imagine it helps that 1080p is evenly divisible into 4K. And yeah, sometimes you do have to disable DPI scaling

The thing is, you don’t have to run 100% of the time in your display’s native resolution. I have two 4K displays, but I play games in 1080p. Eventually I’ll upgrade my GPU to something that will be able to take full advantage of it in games, but for now, it gives me a sweet desktop environment and that was the whole

The thing is, you don’t have to run 100% of the time in your display’s native resolution. I have two 4K displays,

You don’t always have to operate in 4K. I use two 4K displays side-by-side, and the overall experience of *working* as a developer and graphics guy in a 4K environment is awesome. Meanwhile, 1080p video looks just fine on them (it helps that 4K is a multiple of 1080p), and DOOM plays and looks great at 1080p. Sure, my

You don’t always have to operate in 4K. I use two 4K displays side-by-side, and the overall experience of *working*

sure, but why would I ever turn the backlight off?

All my keyboards have backlights now, so i don’t really think it’s an issue either way...

I’m an avid airsofter, with a decent collection of airsoft rifles and handguns. We always say, the number one rule about transporting airsoft replicas is to always treat them like they were real goddamned weapons. That means, among other things, keeping them in cases until it’s safe to actually take them out, never

I’m an avid airsofter, with a decent collection of airsoft rifles and handguns. We always say, the number one rule about transporting airsoft replicas is to always treat them like they were real goddamned weapons. That means, among other things, keeping them in cases until it’s safe to actually take them out, never

As a developer...
I imagine being totally realistic with character options wasn’t really in the *initial* goals with PokeGo. The options are really limited for the moment, but that will likely change in time. They probably had their designers/animators focusing on the pokemon models/animation and only created the most

ask and ye shall receive.

messed around in Roll20 for about five minutes, the interface seems cumbersome as hell.