
Of course I can live without it. I’m not bitching or anything. Just expressing a desire and musing about the situation.

lost me at “buy a real smartphone”. We’re well aware of our low marketshare, but not even Pokémon Go is enough incentive to get me to willingly purchase and use an iPhone or Android phone.

Now if only they’d release a Windows Phone client. Their effort to shut down scrapers also broke PoGo-UWP, which is the only way we can even play the game. There are folks working on figuring out the new API mechanisms, and I’m sure that if they manage to crack it Niantic will just break it again in another couple

I prefer authenticator apps. It means my phone doesn’t make a noise and doesn’t get a notification to clear. Sure, I have to do more or less the same amount of work either way, but somehow it’s just more satisfying when I do it myself than to have to be all like “ugh now I gotta clear the notification” and associate

The franchise only screwed itself because it abandoned most of the elements that made the original series great. The momentum-based physics, the interesting level design, the balance between speed and exploration...

They can’t shut something down just because it violates their ToS. They can ban players using those services if it requires logging into a player account, but that’s it. Although technically, Nintendo can probably shut down those services if they’re using copyrighted artwork and such, but Niantic can’t do jack to them.

basically just the neighbor guy from Home Improvement. It’s not a big deal in and of itself; it’s just a ‘big deal’ because he’s spent the entire series masked.

Glad I wasn’t the only one. It feels weird that it took 20+ years for me to become aware that it wasn’t a woman all this time.

in Anniversary Update, audio device selection can be done right from the volume control popup. No needing to go into the audio device dialog and set default device anymore.


then, uh... I guess my question should be directed to you?

What’s with the timing of this article? We’ve known about this registry edit for at least half a year, and the Anniversary Update is going to be here in just over a week. Why post about it now?

What’s with the timing of this article? We’ve known about this registry edit for at least half a year, and the Anniversary Update is going to be here in just over a week. Why post about it now?

my 4K screens are 28", and I don’t sit right up on them or anything, but I can still make out pixel artifacts like jaggies pretty easily. Smaller displays (especially those on laptops) may not be so easy to see them on except at extremely shallow/steep angles.

...the heck is that even supposed to represent?

damn, here I thought this was a videogame at first. I love me some Battletech but nobody I know is interested in playing those kinds of games =/

Lucky. You have sane cats. I bought a cat bed and scratch pad for my cat on the same day last week, and she’s been sleeping on the stupid scratch pad. so far she’s slept in the bed a total of 1 time.

Lucky. You have sane cats. I bought a cat bed and scratch pad for my cat on the same day last week, and she’s been

I don’t like VLC or MPC. They both reek of either GTK+ or Win95. I use MPV.

Case in point. If you don’t come to recognize and adjust the tone you’re carrying, and keep blaming the negative reactions you get on the people you’re talking to, those reactions are just going to continue. Then again, the internet being what it is, that could very well be your goal...

It’s your tone. Your posts have a condescending tinge to them, so of course you’re going to get this sort of response.