
My friend would always want me to just use one of his decks if I wasn’t confident. Problem is, I don’t know how to use any of his decks, and he knows all of them inside and out. I kinda get the feeling he wouldn’t be interested in playing restricted to packs though, as fun as it sounds (it’s basically how we played

My friends and I were really into MtG in high school, but none of us could afford to be true min-maxers, so we just played for fun with the cards we could afford. I was always totally fine with that, as we had a blast and didn’t have to think TOO hard about the metagame.

Holy shit. It’s a Japanese John Oliver.

Oh right. This was a thing.

I never knew anything about all this stuff (primarily because I’ve never really used the marketplace I guess) but as a windows phone enthusiast, good on ‘em. As a dev, I wonder if they used the porting tools that MS has been working on as of late. If that’s the case, then we might be able to expect them to not abandon

Don’t they normally incorporate IR filters into phone cameras to begin with? I just tested with an IR flashlight and my phone’s camera is totally blind to it. I don’t have an iPhone though.

That’s totally not the point. The problem is that Apple is handing the keys to an aspect of your device’s functionality to anyone who can build or buy a simple IR emitter. This includes not only concert venues, but also police and literally anyone else who has a reason to not want something recorded, or simply wants

Well spoofing SSID is one thing; being able to spoof the authentication system is another. It sounds like it’s still pretty easy though.

Yeah, I was kinda curious whether maybe certificates would thwart spoofing attempts, but it still doesn’t seem quite foolproof. But yeah most folks probably aren’t that aware.

This sounds exploitable as fuck. Like, how hard would it be to set up a fake Comcast Wifi AP that just steals peoples’ Comcast login info and monitors all their traffic?

Here’s my wishlist for a new Sonic game.

Probably earn a lot less than they could potentially steal. It’s all about risk vs reward.

because we don’t want the video monitor to be sized for ants.

This is why companies rarely try pseudoplatform exclusivity bullshit on PC — it never works. Either we mod stuff to make it work despite their efforts, or we refuse to buy it and it fails. It’s how things have always been, and is a testament to the flexibility of the platform and resourcefulness of its users.

chirality describes the arrangement/handedness of an asymmetrical molecule/ion. If a molecule is asymmetric in its arrangement (having no axis of symmetry), it can exist in either a right- or left-handed form, the two forms being mirror images of each other with perfectly opposing structures. What makes this

TNT2? I’m all about that Voodoo3, yo.

That’s what happens when you build hype for it and then delay it time and time again.

I was wondering about that — a number of objects look like they’d require multiple-floor support. At the same time, though, I am aware of at least a few tricks (involving invisible textures / HoM effects) that DOOM map-makers have used to simulate the appearance of multiple floors for objects that can only be looked

Unity 4-5 have really improved the 2D tool suite dramatically, but yeah it’s traditionally been primarily a 3D engine.

I’ve never seen a Walmart where the fireworks weren’t just out in the open. I’ve also never seen a Walmart with locked-up deo. wat.