
All I’ll say on the matter is, renting vs buying is far more complicated than just that, and whatever he spends on his accommodations is probably a drop in the bucket at this point.

It’s kind of interesting, because despite having so much wealth, he’s clearly still trying to live as though he were just a regular joe — even his new place has him dealing with the same shitty window fixtures we all have to fight with. A result of that is having to deal with shitty landlords and whatnot, and I’m sure

Same reason he bought a shitty used hatchback when he could have any fancy sports car he wants. If I had unlimited wealth I’d probably do the same thing. Some folks just don’t like the idea of changing the way they live just because they happened upon some wealth.

Indeed, the author invited the fight so I’m just having a bit of fun taking up his invitation =)

I don’t care one way or another either, but I figured since the author in this case invited the fight, I’d go ahead and step up =)

Actually, to take it a step further, one could say it is in fact both — During the first part of each game when you’re just fighting an assortment of [not] zombies, it could be ‘residents evil’, since the enemies in this case are actual residents turned evil via zombification or parasitism or what-have-you. But later,

“Residents Evil (the correct plural; fight me)“


If I’m not mistaken, the music for KI is done by the same guy who did the music for DOOM!

The first time I heard him say that line when my friend was showing me some gameplay footage, my first thought was “wow that sounded really stiff and bizarre”.

Regarding the Dark theme setting: In the Insider builds, they’ve added it to Settings, so it no longer requires using the Registry. This change will come to everyone else in the Anniversary Update in July or whenever that gets released.

In the Insider builds, they’ve added it to Settings, so it no longer requires using the Registry. This change will be in the Anniversary Update in July or whenever that gets released.

why is this article suddenly ‘new’ again? kinja keeps doing this stuff and it makes no sense.

Desktops will always have a higher performance ceiling, and be more cost-efficient. Gaming at a desk is also more comfortable than with a warm metal slab on my lap (especially for us mouse/keyboard users, and especially in situations like I’m in right now, waiting for my broken AC to be fixed). If given the choice,

The language is imprecise because it doesn’t carry enough information to properly carry the intended meaning by its wording alone and without context, and its meaning is contrary to how one would normally interpret it. Purely in terms of the language used, lacking context, its literal meaning can only be interpreted

Not really sure what you’re getting at with that. With my last comment, I was talking about precision of language, not precision of measurement. Having a well-defined meaning within an industry doesn’t mean that it’s precise language; it just means that it’s well-understood within that field. Outside of that field,

Its meaning may be clear to those in the industry, but it is not precise language. Its meaning is contrary to the actual language used, and anyone who isn’t “in the know” would read it very differently. Perhaps that’s irony, but it is what it is.

No, I get it, I understood what you were saying all along; It just baffles me how an industry can adopt such imprecise language/terminology.

No, mate, that’s not what I’m doing. As I’ve already had to say twice, he stealth-edited the article after the fact. I copied and pasted exactly what was in the article on 6/4, and I don’t feel particularly appreciative of the accusations otherwise. It’s so very nice that authors can edit articles whenever they please

whether or not you can pick your precision is irrelevant; it doesn’t change the fact that “less than 0.000" and “less than 0.001" are very different things; one of them refers to numbers which cannot be rendered with three-digit precision, and the other refers to negative numbers. You would never say that 0.1 is less