
right, but we’re talking about saying “less than 0.000". I mean, saying “0.000" makes sense, and saying “less than 0.001" makes sense, but saying “less than 0.000" make no sense at all. In programming, this is what we call an “off by one” error. lol

While I can understand how one might come to that conclusion, that still doesn’t really make sense; wouldn’t you just say “less than 0.001"?

My quote was a direct copy and paste from the article. He edited the post to add the bit in parenthesis after the fact. Maybe try thinking a bit before making accusations of misquoting ;p

‘less than 0.000 grams of platinum’

What, completely factual and important statements? Tyson doesn’t fly conservative/liberal banners. His number one concern has always been having an informed voting public, no matter which side of the divide they’re on. Uninformed voters are merely handing our future over to those who would exploit them.

‘and the “hatred” was overplaying the joke’

lol yes, he edited the article today to add that bit. You might notice it wasn’t part of the text I quoted, which I copied and pasted straight from the article text at the time. A star for your effort, though.

Hm? I certainly did notice that a width of approximately 12 pixels got cropped off of the left and right sides each, due to the toy GBC having a more square-ish aspect ratio, but I’m not sure I see how that’s relevant...

Doesn’t actually matter; the unit has shoulder buttons on the back. See the full gallery =x

something I’ve wondered... wouldn’t these inflatable units be, like, SUPER vulnerable to random bits of dust and other space debris?

“Technically it can run games other than Game Boy Color titles, but with this profile it just wouldn’t feel right.”

IDFouR, of course.

was looking for ID4 on this list. The 4 just references the 4th of July, of course.

You’re correct on that; The issue is just with the article author injecting his knowingly controversial opinions on the subject in an article that really shouldn’t be part of that particular discussion. Really ruins the mood of the article content when the author is sneakily trying to get his two cents in at the same

I’m fine with most of the changes as they don’t really affect much. The one that ends up being kinda bizarre though is the removal of the voices during those scenes — something about them just sitting there taking everything in silence somehow manages to cause those scenes to take on a very different type of creepy.

This very article is tagged “BAN GUNS”.

I don’t know; based on friends who have played it, the general impression I’ve heard thus far seems to have been that it’s simply not a particularly good game. Myself, as someone who has remained outside the hype and debate and has no degree of love whatsoever for Blizzard, comparing the two visually and contextually

I had no idea this was even allegedly supposed to be a thing, but I gotta say, Idunno what’s so offensively different between this and the Tupac and Miku hologram shows that you’re so blatantly against it.
I mean, sure, they could just have a theater room where they played shows on a projector, but the ‘hologram’

I was wondering it could’ve been the work of such shaders, but it looks like there’s geometry other than just the walls and ceiling. Could just be an illusion though, with the hall/doorways baked into the textures.

yeah, it looks like it might’ve been implemented via a portal, unless there’s just some really clever culling going on. That shit was deliberate.