
definitely. the lower the bitrate you go, I’ve found you can actually witness the max frequency dropping out. 192+ will give you up to 20khz easy though, so you’re free to use the area between 17-20khz as you wish without the listener being able to really detect any of it.

FL Studio has a plugin called Harmor which does additive (harmonic-based) synthesis, and has an image resynthesis feature which is great for this. Just drag an image into it, adjust the parameters, and place notes in the song. I’ve used it to watermark my own work. Only downside is it is antialiased, so you can’t

I’ve done this with my own tracks; if you do it right, the watermark is completely inaudible. Either keep its level low enough that you’d have to crank a silent portion super-high to hear it at all (which is why we don’t put these over silent parts), or keep it pitched above the audible frequency range.

but ‘fake as hell’ is a completely legitimate statement, given the actual fakeness of hell. Well, depending on whom you ask, I suppose.

lol Yamakan. Given the various questionable/inflammatory statements he’s made and stunts he’s pulled over the years, I’ve no sympathy really.

Unlikely. Have you seen Pixiv? Pretty sure it would put DA to shame in a heartbeat.

Goddamnit. Here I was, trying to forget that was even a thing, then you come along...

I’m pretty sure that if we’re count doujin/fan-works, nobody could possibly beat Japan in terms of porn market. Hell, that’s basically the entire purpose of Comiket. Though they don’t get too interested in foreign properties like Overwatch...

Sooo stoked to see MARETU finally get a song in one of these games, though I must say I was disappointed when I saw the actual stage for Brain Revolution Girl. Didn’t really seem to capture the right mood for the song.

eh, please don’t become Sankaku Complex here and start posting shit lists from random Japanese sites. These lists are always pretty heavily flawed, and aren’t really great indicators of...well, anything, really.

I disagree partially.

I honestly can’t say whether I’ve experienced this more than once or twice. Basically everything I’ve played with AA had ‘real’ AA, which definitely improved the image. I can think of maybe one or two MMOs I’ve played that had AA settings that did not operate as I expected.

right, but my point is that AA always improves the scene, no matter what — there is no conceivable circumstance I can think of where it would not. It just may not be enough to leave it on as opposed to other features in the face of performance optimization.

That ultimately depends on how the game was coded; on how many things actually depend on the framerate for their timings.

I don’t think that games really suffer from the same issue, though.

As a software developer, the fact that it will only take months for someone without source code access is what makes me wonder why SE didn’t do it themselves. Surely it would’ve been much easier for the company with the actual code.

For what it’s worth, proper AA does invariably improve image quality even at 4K, at least to some degree. There are diminishing returns beyond 4x, but otherwise jaggies are still present at 4K and smoothing them out creates quite a lovely image. It’s not worth losing performance over though, so ultimately AA is still

No, it is not stupid to use AA on 4K screens. Basic (proper) AA samples multiple times for any given pixel before rendering it, resulting in an actual pixel color that’s a blend of the colors present within that pixel location, reducing the presence of hard edges. The higher the AA level, the more samples are taken

At risk of being one of those you’ll ignore for it, I must say that ‘SJW’ is just one of those words whose meaning and usage can’t necessarily be derived simply from its individual words. SJW in my eyes (and in popular usage) refers to those who have grown so overzealous in their quest for tolerance that they have

which is why I had that qualifier “from a doom fan’s perspective”. Note that I said ‘hurt’ the flow, not ‘break’ it. Part of playing doom is minding your health and being aware of the locations of health pickups when you need them, and sometimes, being able to fight your way to them or break off from a fight to