
yeeeeah we’ll just have to see I guess. My knee-jerk reaction is that it’s an unnecessary gimmick that’s going to hurt the flow of the game from a DOOM fan’s perspective...

though ironically, the designators used in the actual gundam serials aren’t always obvious — for example, the Freedom from Gundam SEED had the serial ‘ZGMF-X10A’; the ZGMF being the prefix used for most of Zaft’s mobile suits, X for experimental, and A presumably for the first version(?)

Gundam takes that to ridiculous levels. Just look at these actual acronyms used in-series for ‘GUNDAM’:

That’s actually pretty perfect. Gundam series have always been notorious for their ridiculous designators after all.

so goddamned sold.

The option is seemingly only available for Wifi connections, not Ethernet.

Don’t know where the option for that is, and can’t seem to locate it. Plus, I suspect that would limit other background connections, which I find undesirable. Disabling the service is easier as far as I’m concerned =x

That sounds backwards. At least in popular usage, ‘kemonomimi’ literally means ‘beast/animal ears’ and refers to catgirls and the like — characters with minimal animal features.

easiest way to disable updates is just to disable the WUACLT service or whatever it’s called. That said, I’ve been totally happy leaving it enabled on my own systems.

what do you mean? After I turned off the start menu suggestions, I haven’t heard from the store at all, and most of the time just kinda forget it’s there unless I think of an app I want to check for.

Wait, what? I’m confused. I just saw the movie last night, and Spidey totally directly name-dropped it like “That scene in Empire Strikes Back where ...”. I was actually surprised by it.

I don’t own an xbox, because most of the games I have any interest in playing are on pc or going to be. I have a little interest in Forza; definitely not enough to get an xbox though, but enough that I’d certainly get it on PC if the cost of entry was low enough — and in this case, f2p is pretty good. I’m not

Your Intuos does not do it via the same mechanism. The pen you use with your intuos has electronics built into it which are powered NFC-style by the tablet surface and allow that detection to happen. This tech, on the other hand, does not require you to implant an NFC chip into your fingers/palms to function ;p

this...isn’t really marketing. This is just a proof of concept video demonstration, the kind I might expect a research team to present when showing off the stuff they’ve been playing with. At most, they might be curious about how interested in this feature people might be.


yep, as mentioned, use the system right and your shit is totally safe.

Were you sticking to hisec? I’ve been playing on-and-off since 2009, and the most boring times I’ve had were when I stuck to hisec or carebear corps. I spent a few years in a wormhole corporation and it was great fun. Just a couple weeks ago I went back to nullsec and I’ve been having an absolute blast there too with

There was your problem — you played it on your own. EVE is designed as a game you’re intended play with other players. If you run around on your own, you’re more or less limited to hisec operations, which are safe but boring and completely unprofitable. If you want to have fun, hop into a nullsec or wormhole corp, get

As someone who’s been playing EVE on and off since 2009, trust me... if you want to have fun in EVE, you need to get out of hisec. Join a wormhole corporation or a nullsec corporation, learn to PVP, participate in ops, etc... just about anything you do in null/WH space is pretty much guaranteed to be much more

you weren’t the only one. =x