
ugh. Certificates. Such a pain in the ass.

my god that thing looks horrible. even Apple wouldn’t design something so shitty-looking.

well, you can always go check out the event log and memory dump yourself, which still has all that information and more. I mean, that’s the info that’s actually supposed to be used for troubleshooting.

Have to disagree... I can’t stand when a studio announces an anime adaptation of a series and then it ends up not following the original material. Unless it actually was handled by the original writers (and it almost never is), it just amounts to higher-budget fanfiction. I’d prefer that anime stick to the source

the only difference now is that they don’t include the snipped of the memory dump or whatever that they used to include. they still have the actual error message — in the case of the above screenshot, CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED.

on winphone, any emoji depicting an actual person (rather than a disembodied yellow circle-head) defaults to gray, and there’s a little panel that appears at the bottom of the emoji window to let you set the skin color. This is the final result of the Inclusive Era. =)

I’m fine with that.

So we have a product with an open SDK that isn’t good, and a product with a good SDK that isn’t open. As I expected, we just can’t win.

From what I’ve seen, Vive has one feature over the Rift (room-scale) while the Rift is apparently more comfortable and has had more work done to prevent VR sickness, which is what seals the deal for me.

Here’s a few examples I pulled from a random image search. Note the various differences between how the left/right eyes are drawn in each, and the way the mouth and nose are offset. It’s not just a matter of perspective; the very fashion in which they’re drawn is inherently asymmetric. They’re all forms of ‘cheating’

You don’t HAVE to; there are plenty of 3D titles (both games and CG anime) that don’t. Doing it simply makes it look more authentic; more accurate to drawn media. More convincing. It helps to lessen the uncanny valley effect that 3DCG anime stuff tends to have.

That said, sometimes it IS just a matter of drawn originals with genuinely weird unrealistic poses that don’t seem so weird when drawn. The JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure image in another post above is a good example of this.

There’s a difference between trying to accurately mimic muscle deformation and trying to accurately reproduce the appearance of drawn media.

Less flexible regarding the lenses and screen positioning. Lower color resolution as Samsung phones all use shitty AMOLED PenTile displays. Latency is a problem with Android due to issues with the OS’ IO pipeline, and is an issue regardless of the HMD hardware, but even then I doubt the HMD had as much sophisticated

$100 for less-flexible components, poor framerates (in VR terms), lower resolution, higher latency, weak game selection, and a heavier assembly...

part of the problem is that the entire concept of “developing specifically for the Oculus” and “developing specifically for the Vive” is fundamentally flawed. When we finally have a standardized hardware abstraction layer (ala DirectX/OpenGL/etc) for VR, developers shouldn’t have to worry about which device they’re

Oculus can support proper room-scale via adding additional cameras, iirc.

the ‘e’ is silent though, so nothing of value was lost.

bleh. here I was hoping for them to be adopting an OS-agnostic dash system, like the one Microsoft had been working on a couple years back.

I love Elite Dangerous. It made me mildly nauseous with the Rift DK1, which is saying something because basically every other game made me incredibly nauseous. I love dogfighting games. Why should every game make use of room-scale tracking, may I ask? It just doesn’t make sense for every single game, especially games