
“The games are weak.”

What the hell?

My drive is lined with tall trees and when the birds are doing their migrations it becomes pretty well polka-dotted. I’d kill for an actual garage =/

Except they didn’t release anything any more interesting at last year’s event. I honestly don’t even know what the hell Mario is remembering, but it definitely wasn’t BUILD. They had demos of Continuum and Holographic — which had already been announced at a previous event — and some other stuff only of interest to

Except they didn’t really. Here’s what was discussed on Day 1 of BUILD2015:


Taking out anything that there ends up being a 50+ page argument on your forums about seems pretty darn weak.

Ask the masses who download all sorts of random-ass games on steam.

How about when someone uses it to upload malicious code for the masses to consume? This isn’t just about getting lame not-games onto steam.

typically the architecture of the console from which it came. In this case, the NES, which had an 8-bit processor architecture.

as in, from the 8-bit Mario games. low color resolution, low pixel density, etc.

Gotta love the semi-recent trend of making set-top boxes with weird top surfaces so they literally have to be the top-most box in your set.

Gotta love the semi-recent trend of making set-top boxes with weird top surfaces so they literally have to be the

TIL: Apparently the programmers that big name site hire are even worse than I thought....

“For our latest mission, we staged an elaborate time travel prank on a New York City subway car with four sets of identical twins.”

I’m not saying it’s not entertaining; seeing four pairs of identical twins play out a skit is mildly amusing as a sight gag regardless and is bound to get some laughs. I’m just saying that, contrary to the group’s claim, it does not constitute a ‘prank’, or at least not a particularly good one =p

Comedy is one thing, but if I’m to believe the article and the quote therein, this was supposedly intended to be a prank. An ‘elaborate’ one, at that. Pranks are supposed to trick or fool people; at the very least it should be a convincing portrayal. Merely provoking laughter doesn’t make it a prank, just a sight gag

It fell flat *because* everyone is laughing. It was, at best, kind of a funny sight gag. “Ha, identical twins doing an incredibly corny amateur time travel skit.” It’s only really amusing because they’re identical twins. If that’s all they wanted it to be, cool. There’s no denying that their acting and script were

The image quality is subpar, the stitching is terrible, and the process is ridiculous. You would think that, having the cameras in known positions, they would be able to apply a preset image morphing profile within the camera’s firmware or something.

your wording is a tad... extreme. Yes, I’m aware of the positional tracking in the newer models, along with other improvements to the tech with the goal of improving the experience for users prone to motion-sickness. Which is why I’m hopeful for CV1. I’m just wondering if it will be enough, given that I seem to have a

Right, I know all that. I’m just hoping that the improvements made in the Retail version are enough.