
It’s a complex and not entirely clear issue, stemming from two different companies claiming license authority over the mech designs in question.

eh, not really, no. I mean, the progression is similar in that you’re presented with choices that affect the outcome of the game, but the presentation is completely different. Quantic’s games are closer to motion-comics — still fully-animated (well, 3d in this case) real-time media, like a long

I’m not intimately familiar with motion comics, so I had to go hunt a few down to familiarize myself with them, but from the looks of it, they’re almost entirely different.

Who isn’t strangely obsessed with robot sex?


‘always working’ software is a myth. Windows is many orders of magnitude more stable now than it was in the 90s.

A) Female characteristics are relatively easy to disguise, and traditionally female actors have been playing male stage roles for generations.

Oh trust me, if there’s something that tends to crash regularly, my users make sure I know about it. People are quick to annoy when it comes to that kind of thing. Not just that, but I’m also a regular user of Microsoft apps myself, and crashes quite simply don’t happen under normal conditions. So I guess what I’m

I don’t say that intending to impress anyone. My point is, I’ve not encountered any of these despite using them quite regularly (well, aside from the SQL installer, which is not something you really use ‘regularly’) and having a building full of users that are quite happy to report the slightest problems they

I haven’t seen a BSoD from a modern version of Windows that wasn’t caused by a faulty kernel-level driver or faulty hardware in ages. Given that I’m the head of the IT department at the company I work for, I see and work on a LOT of PCs, so if it were really a common issue I do believe I would’ve encountered it far

lillypads will already asplode your boat if you hit too many of them. My friends and I have discovered that the hard way.

That’s my point entirely. In this case it’s not the OS but a kernel-level driver bug which caused a serious problem. That’s just about literally the only way to crash windows (or any modern OS) nowadays.

that does indeed sound like something that has gone seriously wrong.

it’s 2015; if your windows is still crashing something is seriously wrong.

And why the hell not? =x

Possibly; the one at the bottom-right I didn’t recognize because of the art style, but it turned out to be the main character from Black Bullet, which I’ve watched.

....really? none of them? there are a bunch of really major characters from well-known series in the image alone... There are are only maybe two or three that I don’t recognize, and part of that may just be that I’m not quite as familiar with the light novel art styles...

You and I must not have been watching the same video. Looking at the video in 1080p60, it’s plainly obvious for both the PS4 and PC versions that there are three-dimensional blades of grass covering the field for the close-up shot. You can even see the grass in front of the ball and shoe, and even clearly see the

oddly, Knights of Sidonia was what came to mind when I saw that one.

Really, Kotaku? The hell is this shit? No Sylveon??