
What I’m wondering is, do these utilize a hop-up system? Giving the balls some backspin might make them stay in flight longer, like in airsoft.

You seem to be missing the point. I’m saying that even if the pencil’s operation mechanisms are better to whatever degree, it’s still overall going to be an overall worse experience because it’s less convenient by nature and lacks standard things we’ve come to expect from digitizer pens.

It sounds more like you just ate up the marketing material wholesale. Yes, I have seen the mechanisms they use, and no, I don’t see anything particularly special about it. Having cut my teeth on excellent Wacom-based digitizers for years now, the high-resolution pressure and tilt sensing are little more than obvious

Not sure how you come to the conclusion that ‘discussion == whining’, but okay. Nobody’s arguing that their marketing isn’t successful.

i must have this game. that is all.

I’m kind of fine with that though. I have much more interest in being able to use the desktop productivity apps that have been key to my workflow for years, than anything on a mobile store, even if the experience is slightly less than ideal.

That’s just it; I haven’t seen anything actually innovative about their new pen. It’s actually less functional than competing devices — No modifier buttons, no eraser, and uses an internal battery rather than inductive/NFC power, meaning you have to charge it manually. I have a Samsung tablet from a couple years ago

eh, the DPI issue is something only really inherent to GDI+ based apps. Granted there are a lot of those, but anything built on WPF or other resolution-independent systems handles high resolution flawlessly.

heck, I paid waaaay more than that for my cintiq ._.

You might be thinking too hard about the whole ‘invention’ thing. Ultimately it’s just a bit of exaggeration, mocking the fact that anything Apple does with their products, they automatically call a new innovation even if there’s actually nothing innovative about it at all, when compared to existing tech. It’s as

Visual Studio + Xamarin/Unity, write all your apps/games in C#/.NET, bam.

It already can, sorta. There was a leaked build of the Project Astoria tool for deploying android apps straight to a windows phone, which allegedly works for any app that doesn’t require google play services.

“I don’t know if they can be leveraged for making (efficient) games and the like”

I’m going to ignore your baiting and just address the base questions.

while it is indeed embarrassing that people apparently couldn’t narrow it down via eliminating those obvious choices, he’s right in that it’s still not something that ought to be considered a ‘basic’ science question (whereby ‘basic’ I would assume the author means ‘necessary for a working fundamental understanding of

I wish Kinja didn’t suck so I could star this.

I had forgotten about the stroke order for the PS buttons. That’s not exactly an obvious feature though. ABXY is immediately grokkable.

I would actually love 4K on a phone display. My reasoning? Increasingly, companies have been moving to ugly RGBG pixel layouts for their screens, and I can’t stand it. I may not clearly make out individual pixels at 400PPI, but I can sure as heck see the visual artifacts created by it. I’ll gladly take a

That’s why I said the only people who care are people concerned about the licensing stuff. Not to mention h264/5 as used for internet video are royalty-free and expected to stay that way. My biggest concern though is lack of device support for VP* and the possibility of sites switching exclusively to VP* leaving

They just need to change their slogan to “Be an hero”.