
Though I will reiterare that I do agree with your statement that muscle memory plays a big part in things. This is exactly why I prefer to switch to arrows instead of ABXY or icons. Arrows are fully universal, and even in Diva it should be easy to distinguish plain arrows from W-arrows. Or Diva could simply implement

See, I have the opposite problem. I regularly switch back and forth between my 3DS and XB1 gamepad on PC (which have reversed A/B) and have no issues whatsoever. Muscle memory may occasionally fail me once or twice if I play with one for days on end and then suddenly switch to the other, but the same thing occurs

the issue isn’t google acting like a business, the issue is google inventing new standards to suit their business interests, at the expense of user experience. There’s nothing technically wrong with it, certainly, and I won’t fault a business for acting like a business, but I’m still going to call it out because in

mirai’s system is quite different from diva’s, and you can use either directional or ABXY for any given note (you can switch back and forth as you wish, etc). Doubled notes are different too; they can be any combination of direction/button. Either way, you’ll not see PS icons on a game on a Nintendo console. Even if


Just wait til you try stuff like Skeleton Orchestra And Lilia and Invisible on hard mode. Those get pretty crazy =)

Very well, carry on =)

Not bitching, just amused. It sounds like your jimmies have been inadvertently rustled.

Not really a matter of right or wrong. iPad Pro is targeted at more than just artists, though it remains to be seen just how useful it will be in the eyes of other markets. Pen input is more precise than touch input and has numerous uses outside digital art. The question is going to be whether other industries decide

Naturally Google would only have their own interests in mind.

I am an artist, actually, and no, this is not new or innovative. I own one of those Cintiq displays you’re referencing, along with a more typical Intuos tablet, and have owned a couple tablet computers with Wacom digitizers built-in. Hell, even the Surface has been praised by artists for its digitizer/pen.

PS icons are just as arbitrary as letters when it comes down to it. It would be incredibly silly having PS icons on a Nintendo console.

Totally called it back when we were actually having the video codec debate originally. Literally the only reason to bother with VP* is if you’re seriously that concerned about licensing.

I seriously laughed out loud when he was like “new types of applications [yadda yadda] more precise inputs required [yadda yadda] needs a NEW INNOVATION” and then announced a stylus. You could see it coming from a mile away, yet the ‘new innovation’ bit still caught me off-guard.

I can confirm it’s 99% the same game as Mirai2. There are actually even more customization options now, but yeah one of the first things I did was set the default note volume down a few notches like I did in Mirai2. Also switched the note icons to arrows instead of letters, and reduced their size a bit. Loving the new

Currently rockin’ through my copy as well. I can confirm it is basically a carbon copy of Mirai2; everything’s identical right down to the menus and UI. Only differences I can tell so far are the new theme song, new buyable items/outfits, Mikuversi, a few new note customization options, and the Play Coin modifiers.

whoops, correction, Age Age Again was the theme song for mirai 2, Shake It! was the ending song. Another super catchy one.

I think you’ll find that most folks who got into Vocaloid thought the same thing when they first heard about it.

it was in Mirai 2, and this is 99% the same game, so it should be here too.

Honestly as a non-sony gamer, I can’t stand the PS button symbols. They’re wholly unfamiliar to me and it messes with me every time I try to play a PS game. No problem whatsoever with letters though.