
Clover Club is an immensely catchy song — it was the ending song for Mirai 1. Another crazily catchy one is Age Age Again, which was the ending song for Mirai 2. I haven’t checked out the new track for DX but I’m sure it’s just as great.

best part is, Mirai 2/DX plays far better than Diva (in my opinion, at least), so there’s that too =x

haven’t opened my copy of mirai DX yet, but I played through mirai 2 which is almost the same exact game aside from some new PVs and one new song in DX. in mirai 2, you could adjust the volume as well as change the sound itself to a number of other options, or turn it off altogether. DX should have the same option.

he’s entitled to his opinion, and everyone else is free to tell him how much of a douche he’s being.

technically, it is... since you can’t actually stay on any single Insider build forever. After so much time, if you don’t upgrade to a newer build the older build you have installed will expire.

Mirai 1 or 2/DX? 1 had a somewhat different system that I didn’t care for much.

Basically an alternate version of the Project Mirai 2/DX system. This is a good thing.

Seems like it uses a system closer to the Project Mirai series, and that’s a good thing IMHO. I’m not a big fan of the Diva system.

I do prefer the original’s outfit, but eugh that artwork...

Make no mistake, I’m well aware of that. There’s definitely a rift that exists everywhere on the subject. It’s especially bad with the older generations in asia. That said, our demographic still continues to grow in the internet era, and even with the negative viewpoints still prevalent among the public, people are

There’s been plenty of thinking and discussion on the subject, but really it’s largely irrelevant, because most of the time the real problem is that people make such comments based on misconceptions and an inherently flawed understanding of the genre, compounded by outdated views that are slowly but surely losing

Microsoft has a better framework as well, and it’s been around since 2006. It’s what’s been used by WPF and WinRT apps for years now. Resolution independence, vector graphics, hardware acceleration, it’s all there. The problem is, they can’t just toss out the old one (GDI+) because it would break backward


hah yeah, she got some new clothes for some of the V3 releases. Her other design is a bit less revealing.

That’s how we all started, I assure you. =x

While your comment about youporn/redtube is inherently flawed due to the difference in context/content (and distribution thereof compared to other elements such as the story, characters, and presentation — most eroge are inherently and significantly different from typical pornography), we can still run with it

You make a rather perplexing argument. Do you seriously believe having the title of the eroge I’m playing displayed on Steam is, by any stretch of the mind, remotely comparable to having a face tattoo of a dick? It seems like you want to make it sound like some seriously deviant and shameful thing when it really isn’t.

How so? Why should we be embarrassed about enjoying visual novels that have erotic content in them?

I just torrent everything. The few times I decide to watch stuff on my phone, I go to KissAnime or wherever and download it from there.

Okay, great, flash as a platform was pretty crap and I’m sure everyone would agree.