
The problem with every single product like this is that designers only care about the *look*, not whether or not it would actually work or even appear to work. They like to print HUD elements directly onto the lens, which proves they have no idea how HUDs actually work because anything that appears at lens-level is

Hey, if you get your kicks getting bent out of shape at anyone who expresses views you don’t agree with or uses wording you don’t agree with, that’s your prerogative. Nobody’s playing justice hero here, but you certainly seem to enjoy playing angered contrarian. Have a nice day.

And I’m saying that difference doesn’t matter to adults who can make their own adult decisions.

For you, it’s just a matter of “this is sex and this is violence, they are two different things and thus there is no double standard.”

Yeah, I gotcha, I’m just saying, I don’t think anyone was arguing that. The people that support keeping explicit content off steam often cite the notion that ‘not all sex is porn’ when discussing why some games can get away with it; i.e. sex is okay on steam as long as it’s not porn.

I often see people make the statement “Not all displays of sex are porn” while having this discussion, but frankly I don’t see what the problem is with porn. It’s certainly less detestable than graphic violence, yet society doesn’t want to see it at all..

it IS a double standard. We’re in a position where explicit displays of the most graphic brutal violence is totally A-OK yet explicit love-making is horrible and must be censored. It makes no sense whatsoever, and only exists that way because we descended from a madly puritanical society and inherited their fucked-up

I stand corrected! It’s been quite a long time since I read about it, and I thought I remembered it correctly, but it seems I did indeed have it backwards for the most part.

Oculus is two parts: 1) display device, which is just one or two screens in front of your eyes, and 2) input device which detects head position/rotation/etc.

Sooo because VR porn doesn’t make sense to you for one very specific scenario (where you live with parents, or assholes who don’t knock before walking in), it doesn’t make sense period? Got it.

I’m actually not sure if he meant Personal Computer or Political Correctness. I assumed the latter, given that he associated it with image control.

Well, for what it’s worth, Japan only censors porn because they were more or less forced to during the US occupation. After that was no longer relevant, I think they’ve just been too afraid of tarnishing their image any further. They’re already too paranoid that the rest of the world sees them as ‘weird’ and

sooo.... What’s your point? Even hardcore explicit sex is still just sex. Yet despite mass amounts of extreme gruesome violence being totally A-OK, sex is still considered worse.

Indeed, the cultures treat souvenirs quite differently. In the west, we tend to buy things like shirts, keychains, other small trinkets that have practical purposes or don’t take much space. Souvenirs are primarily intended as keepsakes to commemorate visiting new places. We also don’t bring back stuff for others as

What are you talking about? I can only assume you’re referring to ADS (aiming down sights)? If that’s the case, hell no. Doom does not and should not have ADS, ever. Some shooters play far, far better without it.

pass. Doom is good because it’s simple. Progression via levels and weapons is all it needs; it thrives off of smart level design and fun gameplay. Those will be the metrics by which this new game will be judged (at least by Doom fans)

one internet for you, good sir.

clearly this is 16-bit, not 8-bit... and we already had a 16-bit Jurassic park, and it was awesome.

problem with time capsules nowadays is, there’s no point in making new ones. nobody would need to open them, because the contents will be archived on the internet somewhere already so there's no surprise.

If, for instance, they evolve in such a way that nanomachines no longer recognize them as targets, or that nanomachine’s attack vectors no longer affect them. Not that I have a clue how antibiotic nanomachines actually work so that’s just ignorant speculation, but it seems legit =x