
as ordered.

disappointed that it ended because of a botnet failure. i’d be more interested to see when it would’ve ended without automated life support.

eh, I got over it. I just found myself amused seeing all the ‘when I was 15’ comments and thought to myself “okay yeah I guess that was a completely unproductive year or two for me"

Well, since the comments seem to be doing the whole ‘when I was 15’ thing...

yeah, 3DS version specifically. I have it on PC and don’t recall him getting it there. I cannot fathom why they thought it’d be a remotely good idea to give classic sonic the homing attack on 3DS. Homing attack throws good level design out the window.

I was greatly enjoying Generations on 3Ds, until they gave classic sonic the homing attack. Afterward I just had this looming depression for the rest of the time I spent playing it. u_u

the facial detection requires an IR camera, so a picture probably wouldn’t work at all.

probably some stupidly simple bug in the URL link generation code that someone overlooked.

I’ve been running the same setup for probably three or four years now. I only made a change this past year, when I upgraded my video card from a 480 to a 780 so i could use the PC Streaming feature on my Shield (the built-in video encoding/streaming is only available on the 600+ models).

*did this, and only by technicality. because it used to use menus where male was the first option and the cursor highlights the first option by default.

you seem to be under the mistaken impression that they're somehow remotely 'butt hurt' about it at all. They're just having fun like everyone else, in their own way.

Because it’s interesting, for one. Also, if you understand the science behind something, then when a movie tries to build a story off of broken science it makes it impossible to take seriously and it’s quite hard not to speak out about it.

I remember Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon had similarly awkward gay jokes.


CSS isn't a design language either.

I am an artist as well. I agree wholeheartedly with the Rule Of Cool, but I also happen to be of the opinion that being practical is equally important. You don’t really want people to be distracted by the fact that, while your monster looks cool, it would undoubtedly mutilate itself horribly every time it closed its

the back of a giant turtle is a hard surface with large surface area. I mean, I certainly wouldn’t pick it for my home, but in a story where giant giant turtles are a thing, it’s at least feasible. Flying sea creatures are a common feature of some fantasy sources, due to the whole sea-sky comparison, and their

Yep, had a read on that saying while I was poking around for information earlier. Interesting stuff on the varying depictions of the beast as well. My main point of note was simply that it doesn't seem like the monster was ever "officially" described in any more detail than the whirlpool and vague notion of possessing

The little xenomorph mouth is also rather silly, though not quite as much as this sea behemoth’s maw. The small mouth could be argued to serve a function as a grabber, similar to the sticky tongues of some creatures but with a different mechanism. More importantly, it’s compact enough that it can be retracted easily

Actually, it kinda does. Both are pure fantasy, but a giant turtle with a city on its back is just a giant turtle with a city on its back. Turtle shells are hard surfaces with large surface-area, so assuming you could get people on top of it (which is a fair assumption given that turtles aren’t known for their