
yeah, that's why windows embedded is a thing.

Yep, I've clashed with the text selection bug on a number of occasions. At least they fixed the login system; that used to be horribly broken to the point where no site outside of an actual domain would see me as logged in in win10.

I understood it, and then a random child somewhere in africa understood it at the same time.

They’re using a/b testing, so you might or might not get it in your install.

Yes. They are quite nice, even if you can't appreciate them.

Wow you folks are horrible.

It’s simple. If you install it during the first year, that installation will always work and be free. This much is clear. If you want to reformat and reinstall it after that, it probably won't be free to do so.

I love that, since it’s windows, finding or making replacements that behave exactly as I want them to is simple.

Which is sad, because it's a fine browser. :p

because gifs.

I haven't done it myself as I don't have that game, but I think someone on GBATemp reported in my thread that it worked for them. Will have to go look.

It wouldn't let me paste the image links. Had to switch browsers. ><

Related: It’s not an emulator or anything, but I’ve actually been working on a 3DS model viewer that works pretty well. It’s a bit involved though, since you have to decrypt your ROM and extract the files from it first.

I liked the part where he fell over.

that’s what I mean. I can't think of a single scenario where this would ever be a problem. More legitimate is the issue that ie11 uses ' edge' as the name of its main document mode.

Only the way they used it here. One thing HoloLens is able to do, which they didn't demonstrate today, is to replace your entire field of view with a different scene like a VR headset. If you have a wall that has a picture frame or something mounted on it that gets in the way of it being a 'blank' wall, the hololens

Same camera rig setup they used at the initial announcement. Basically they have a camera that's wired to the hololens system and sees it from the camera's perspective.

they're kind of two different contexts. I've never really encountered 'edge server' in a context where 'edge, the browser' would cause confusion with it.

it's not?