
The big question is: Does this use a proprietary VR mechanism or does it implement OSVR/Oculus' existing APIs? Because we totally need YET ANOTHER VR API....

The idea is that there is a balanced amount of 'blue tint' and 'gold tint' resulting from the way the image is overexposed and washed-out, such that our eyes can easily trip on it by choosing to adjust either for one or the other. It's actually possible to see it as either, and not have conscious control over which

because the image exploits the 'white balance' automatic adjustment feature of our eyes/brains. Our eyes want to automatically perform 'color calibration', so to speak, such that they can have a reference 'white'. In the case of these pictures, either your eyes will calibrate against the washed-out blue of the dress,

I live in an area where the ONLY option is DSL rated 12mbps/1mbps (actually running 10mbps/500kbps) for $96/month. I'd figuratively kill for those prices/speeds =(

Largely because voice actors simply aren't that great at emulating exertion sounds of *any* kind..

Your second paragraph is pretty much it. I've been to some voice acting panels and workshops before, and it's pretty apparent that, if it does sound different from authentic exertion noises, it's not due to an attempt at sexualization — but rather, simply the voice actors aren't really that great at emulating exertion

Honestly, I was never as huge a fan of CD as a lot of people seem to be. The level design in it always seemed so haphazard compared to the genesis titles which felt more structured and solid. My personal favorite has always been sonic 3+Knux, for the sheer size of the game, minimalistic yet effective storytelling, and

What the hell? The Z623 system is fucking terrible. We've owned two sets and both of them are fucked up. One of them no longer has a working sub due to either bad connector or bad cable. The other has no working left channel also due to bad cable. For both of them, when they DID work right, the sound was pretty poor

What the hell? The Z623 system is fucking terrible. We've owned two sets and both of them are fucked up. One of them

Yep, I remember that quite well. For as long as I can recall, X-Treme has always been one of the two holy grails of sonic games (along with the sonic 2 beta), largely just because it got canned. The sonic community hungered for any tiny little bit of info they could find on it, and any time new info came out it was

Indeed, but what you're talking about is sort of beyond the scope of the discussion. Purely as a technical question, the answer to "how do we handle realism regarding large-breasted / scantily-clad characters?" is not "smaller boobs / more restrictive clothes".

He certainly should!

I won't argue your point, but that is rather beyond the scope of the discussion, I'm afraid. =)

Right, but you have to consider the circumstances — for the time, as a platformer, sonic *was* fast. Platformers of the time were typically very slow-paced things, largely due to limitations on the efficiency of level data streaming. Sonic was marketed as 'fast' largely because of the developers finding ways to stream

This version doesn't replicate one of the most important aspects of the original, the wide-angle lens. That was the first thing I noticed.

For what it's worth, this version of X-treme feels almost nothing like the early videos we've seen from the original game. The fish-eye lens camera is missing, for one, and that is largely responsible for the effect you're seeing. In the original, you could see a lot more of the level elements around you and it didn't

I'm not sure where this argument came from, but the thing that made the old sonic games so amazing was not the speed, but the amazingly-designed levels and platforming. In terms of speed, Sonic's speed in the old games may've been a big deal at the time, but it's nothing compared to where they took it after those

Wait, where's the weird fish-eye lens effect the game was supposed to have? It was kind of an important characteristic...

Not right enough to get away with their actions =)

An amusing solution to consider.

Problem is, as the article mentions, soft-body physics simulations are quite hardware-intensive and manually animating them is time-consuming and difficult. The only options for the majority of games are "unrealistic" or "none at all".