
This is a pick that leans heavily on my personal music preference. It's a very niche, very Japanese game. It was risky for Sega to release the first one in the States, and the overwhelming response led to this second release, with English-language subtitles over the songs for the first time in series history. Now

You missed where the actual nickname of that pokemon in the video is "I'llRapeYou".

I wasn't suggesting you work for apple. Not sure where that came from.

You have a point! though the other two-year-digit variations have the same issue. I don't have any data from the 90s that was worth keeping and dating, so the issue has never come up =x

I'd argue that yymmdd makes more sense. By ordering most-significant to least-significant, it is automatically compatible with existing sorting methods. I use this on revisions of document files, and it allows them to automatically sort by date.

They're not opposed to net neutrality; just opposed to government involvement potentially causing lower profit on infrastructure — which basically all of the listed companies are heavily invested in.

I'm pretty sure both MS and Apple are on the supporters list. Not sure why this perturbs you.

eff that. yymmdd is where it's at. Sorts by date perfectly in any media.

I'm personally of the opinion that developers should avoid including the option to disable it.

The OP was talking about just extending your display to an iphone and playing the video. That's a bit different than actually having an app running on your phone that you can wander around in.

he's one of the park mascots. the main character actually called him a walking copyright infringement when they first met. =x

Ugh yes, as a vocalist in a rock band I am quite familiar with this. Few things worse during a performance than not being able to hear yourself sing. I've heard vocalists who were otherwise great singers totally bomb on-stage because of lack of monitor presence.

Same shit happened in the card game. On average, the power of individual pokemon has basically doubled. Not that it matters, because EX cards are all anyone uses now anyway. We play without EX cards in our games because they're so stupidly OP (and the two prize cards you get as a reward don't remotely balance them).

if they're in the top 100, surely such things are of no consequence.

why would the gold sheen be gone? this seems like it'd be pretty simple to pull off with a relatively basic shader.

Yeah, it was the opening to episode 9, a flashback scene that played during one of the insert songs. The rest of the show had a very different style.

Their eyes turn red while their powers are active. This scene is from a flashback. Their powers first started manifesting when they were children, and at that time they were unable to control when they were and weren't active, so they were kinda perma-red for a while.

Ugh, the original version of that scene was so painful to watch. I was WTFing the whole friggin' time. So glad they changed it.

I'm holding off on watching Chaika s2 until it's done. That way I won't have to wait between episodes for my next dose of HNNNNNG.