
Brian, you might want to mention the fact that this whole thing is from a single sequence in a single episode, during the opening music, which covered a flashback. People are getting the wrong impression on several levels, believing that series was entirely animated in that goofy CG style and that the character

Yes, it's because this was from a single scene in episode 9 (during the opening music) which was literally a flashback to when the characters were all kids.

it was from a single scene (the opening of episode 9). I don't know why they chose that bizarre style for that scene in the original.

Yes, because in the scene that was redone, they *were* little kids. It was a flashback.

The article is highly misleading. This particular scene is from the opening of a single episode, which was itself a flashback to when the characters were children. For some bizarre reason, that particular scene used this weird CG style.

Zune! I had a Zune 80 and then a Zune 120, and always wanted an HD.

technically, there's nothing actually 3D about any of the DOOM games before DOOM3. enemies are all 2D sprites, and maps are all 2D layouts with floor/ceiling height values and an engine that determines how tall and in what position to draw each column of pixels representing part of a wall based on those values.

Uh... I don't think this was supposed to happen.

well, if it was sent *precisely* ten years ago, to the second, hypothetically speaking, then it would actually be somewhat less than that, thanks to time dilation. it'd still approximate to 10 years though.

a tenth of a penny on the tax dollar, last I heard, is all the space program gets... They're starved for funding already. Meanwhile our defense budget is how much? more than the next 26 countries combined?

Don't let it fool you — this app is by AT&T, not Softbank, and only works on AT&T-locked devices, leaving the rest of us in the dark. I wanted to install it on my developer 920 on straight talk, and it can't even find it on the store.

I would disagree about the Zune not having much more to offer, as it actually had a number of quite impressive features that the competition lacked... however, MS had two things against them: 1) as you mentioned, they were late in the game, and the game was nearly over to begin with as smartphones were taking over the

Doesn't really change too much. Show remains quite comedy-oriented. If anything, adding dramatic elements makes it even less of a slice-of-life.

I'll take the monitor. It's not about real estate, it's about resolution. I'm currently using a 30" 2560x1600 as my primary work display, and three 23" 1080p displays at home, and I'm craving some higher-res goodness. If I don't have to crank up Windows' DPI to see things clearly, it's not enough pixels =)

That show is more of a straight comedy than slice-of-life.

I actually really enjoy most slice-of-life, but I absolutely could not get into denki-gai. I tried! Three times, even! It was just unbearable to watch.

Aside from some very recent exceptions like Attack on Titan and Knights of Sidonia, anime has been in a bit of a fanservice funk for the last decade or so. It's great seeing Kickstarter find ways for fans of older anime, where eyes were smaller and explosions more numerous, to get the kind of content they've been

I personally think it's fine as-is.

People often keep irons on their rifles for cowitnessing (I don't care for it, but I've heard others swear by it) and as backups in case their red dot battery dies.

"4G wife hotspot box" has got to be a euphemism for something.