
Ah, true enough. He did not actually specify which phone lineup he was referring to. =x

that's....abnormal. your eyes shouldn't be straining over that. lol doesn't really feel like they implied much of anything. They're applauding HTC for bringing diversity to the winphone lineup. Completely legit, since diversity is something we've lacked since HTC/Sammy stopped making winphones before....

My thoughts exactly!

Basically everyone but Nokia seemed to stop making winphones for a good while there though.

Aaaaand still no Orca/Rorqual. =/


What you've just discovered is the boss key, an age-old legacy of the early business computing years. There are actually apps designed for this specific purpose, and it wouldn't be hard to make some custom functionality using AutoHotKey or similar.

he blocked it. or dodged it. definitely didn't pocket it, though.

So wait, all the big combat ships from EVE got in, but not the Rorqual or Orca? A lot of those battleships are far smaller than either of them. As a rorq/orca pilot from my EVE days, this makes me a bit sad.

FUCKING PenTile! Can't stand this garbage.

I'm in the same boat. Meanwhile I just started a marathon of all the games with a friend of mine (who has never played any of them before) a few months ago, we've played through FR/LG, HG/SS, and R/S, and he's already caught two other shinies (a zubat and marowak)...

Wow, looking through the pending comments on this one, there's some surprisingly heavy vitriol in here.

huh, it seems so much more obvious now that i'm rereading it. dunno why i didn't catch it before. =x

So the one guy using a winphone to browse pornhub is really into cartoon porn, huh.

wat. The very first Stargate movie (from the 90s) made that bit pretty clear from the start.

For me: desk phone first, then either email, text, or skype, depending on who I'm talking to and the nature of the communication. Email for one-shot messages, text/IM for ongoing discussions (especially with IT folks).


far too much of a skew toward mobile services here...

a stupid RICH motherfucker.