
just depends on the steepness of the hill. The old-school sonic games were really about momentum, not speed. Sonic games became shitty once they decided to focus on speed rather than momentum.

No. Just, no. Mass and weight are NOT the same thing. They are related, but they are still distinct concepts and are not interchangeable.

stupid kinja.

Dunno if I've ever seen a tsundere meganekko. Can't think of any examples, anyway. If we were to give humanizing qualities to pokemon, I'd sooner think of glaceon as a tomboy type of character. Something about that mischevious smirk it's always got.

I don't really get why everyone seems to be hating on the lumias. I've dropped mine dozens of times and all that's happened is one corner is just a bit deformed. Dropped it one time at a concert and someone stepped on it, even. no scratches or anything.

nooo not daisy!


Surface tension/adhesion/capillary action, if I'm not mistaken.

edit - kinja being stupid, please ignore

This seems to happen every year in china. I remember at least a couple instances of it in the past year or two. Algal blooms or something to that effect.

There are valid reasons to be against this. For one, the potential for abuse is staggering. Secondly, this is the wrong way to go about it — Google and Bing are mere indexers; making them forget data won't make the data go away. Quite the opposite, if it's discovered that data has been removed in this manner, it will

yeah, that can be a bit touchy with the cops lol. Nowadays it's a lot easier to find fields to play at with 40+ players though. Good times.

I'll take an AEG or p* over a GBB any day, but I understand where you're coming from. Tank and line are the only things I really don't like about the p* platform... well, that and the flimsy FCU wiring. It's hard to beat the flexibility of a p* though.

I agree, anyone who thinks airsoft is legitimate tactical training clearly has a few screws loose, for sure. Airsoft is highly tactical by nature, but in a very airsoft-specific way. You can't really get real-weapon tactics in a sport where the goal is to shoot other people, due to that whole 'death' thing getting in

Looks almost like nerf guns... would be totally impractical in the field. We take orange tips off because they stick out like a sore thumb, why would we paint the rest of it orange?

Go ahead and shoot one of your friends with a real gun and see how much they like it. Airsoft is fun as a simulation sport. The $50 Walmart crap guns aren't worth jack, but get some decent AEGs or polarstars and you'll really start to see where they shine. Effective ranges of 200-300 feet, high power (trust me, you'll

PolarStars are becoming pretty common nowadays. I have one myself. Still more of an AEG fan though...

You're free to see it differently, but at least to me it makes perfect sense. 0-100 is the range in which the temperature is 'bearable' (obviously there's some subjectivity here as different people handle weather differently, but it works well on average). It's slightly skewed due to the ability (and natural tendency)